Part 9: The Party (Kenny's POV)

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It was 9 pm, and I was getting ready for the party that Tweek was so excited for. He had given me an extremely obscure location to go, and told me to make sure I wasn't being followed. This worried me a bit, I didn't want to die for the second time in a week. I slapped on some clothes and left the house.

The warm summer air and loud buzzing of cicadas accompanied me on the long trip to this strange location. I started catching up with my thoughts, which had been swirling since the messages were sent. I remembered Justice, and her sweet, kind face. She loved to party with Tweek, and loved getting absolutely wasted. She would've loved this party...

I pushed the thought aside. No need to show up to some party crying. Besides, the road was ahead had just turned dark, and it was beginning to look like I was entering the shadier part of South Park, even shadier than my neighborhood. Suddenly, there was a rustling behind me. I froze, breathless. But I wasn't scared. I never was. I reached into my pocket and handeld my pocket knife, the one I had bought with my own money. It was a beautiful knife, with an intricately carved handle and an extremely sharp blade. It was my pride and joy, and believe me, I had used it more than once. I turned around slowly to face my attacker. But I wasn't expecting who came out of the bushes.

"Butters?" I asked. He was completely out of breath, and his face was scraped up, bruised and bloody. It was like he had just been in a big fight. And lost. "Clink, clunk, the shovel goes. Big thump, my old friend goes." He said, mostly to himself. Tears were streaming down his pale face, and he crumpled into a pile on the ground. "I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that." He repeated, slowly and quietly. I walked up to Butters. "Hey, It's ok...I'm here, aren't I?" I told him, patting his head. He lifted his head, and met my gaze. His eyes were no longer the bright, excited blue they always were, now they looked grey and droll, as if someone had sucked all the life out of them. "Am I dead yet? Am I dead yet? Am I dead yet?" He asked me. I didn't know how to respond. "Butters, what are you trying to say?" He stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. "You should start running. He's coming." My eyes widened. "Who? Who's comin-" I was cut off by the sound of rustling bushes, and angry stomps. Butters started laughing hysterically. "RUN KENNY, RUN! BUT WE CAN'T RUN FOREVER!!" He screeched, and I took off.

I didn't stop until I had reached the end of the road, and I no longer heard the stomping. I took several deep breaths to calm myself down. "Haah...haaah.." I muttered. That was the first time in more that 5 years that I had felt actual fear. Dear god, I had forgotten how it felt. It was huge, it was exhilarating, it was...AMAZING. I felt so damn high on the feeling. If they could bottle up fear and sell it to me, then I would be buying it by the dozen. God, it was so damn good! Oh my god, I never want to come down from this feeling. It's better than sex, heroin and alcohol combined! Oh my god, fear! FEAR! "Hey, Kenny, is that you?" A voice called out to me. I quickly whipped around and I saw Tweek pulling up in his dad's car. "N-n-need a ride?" He asked. I snapped out of my weird daze. "Yeah, that would be great." I said, getting into the passenger's seat.

A second later, I noticed Tweek's eyes. They were red and bloodshot, and had a sort of glazed-over look to them. His left sleeve was rolled up, revealing a ton of small holes in his skin. His hair was mussed up, and his muscle spasms were out of control. "Uh, Tweek? I know the night is still young and all that, but...are you feeling ok?" I asked. He laughed. "Me? Fine? Never b-b-b-better! I just wish I had Craig with me." He said. "Yeah..Craig helps you with the spasms, doesn't he?" I muttered to myself. Suddenly, he jerked the steering wheel to the left, and an extremely loud squeaking noise erupted from the tires before Tweek swerved back into his lane. I grabbed tightly onto my armrests, praying to dear God that I wouldn't die along with Tweek. He just laughed again. "Dear God, that was awesome! Wanna do it again? This time, I'll try to make it into the shoulder!" He said as he floored the car. "WOOHOO! I feel alive!" He whooped. I held on even tighter, and then suddenly, Tweek hit the brakes, sending me hurdling forward. "Uhn!" I grunted. Tweek turned off the car. "Here we are. Let's get you really wasted this time!" He said.

I was standing outside a dingy old building, looking at it from behind. Graffiti covered the old walls, and there was a staircase that lead to a basement level. Tweek took me to the door and knocked fourty times exactly. An older girl answered with a stern look on her solid face. "Whadda want?" She said, chomping on what looked like chewing tobacco. "It's me, Tweek. I'm friends with the owner." He said. I looked at the girl. She looked like the no-nonsense type. The one to not take nonsense from anyone. "Ugh. Fine. But who's the kid with the blonde hair?" She asked, pointing at me. "Oh, that's just Kenny." He answered. Her beautiful face suddenly turned even more cold. "Right. You're that Kenny. Are you here to sell your body again? Or are you just gonna sell bootleg beer again?" She said, her voice dripping with sass. "Hey, what the hell? Those days are over! Kenny doesn't do that anymore! Just let him in." Tweek demanded. He was twitching and shaking violently. I was beggining to suspect that he was coming down. She inspected me silently. Then, she sighed. "Fine, come in. But I better not catch any prostitution. You'll get kicked out for sure." She said, stepping aside to let us in. Tweek rushed over to a fold-up table that was set up in the room.

The room was dark, with strobe lights flashing for light. The entire room was covered in a deep haze, and it smelled of weed and vomit. I knew that this was definitely Tweek's kind of place. As I approached the table, I saw Kyle, Craig, Wendy and Tolken sitting on a couple of cushions that had been arranged around a bong. I waved to them, and I got a bunch of half-hearted hellos from them. I sat down on one of the cushions to see Tweek vigorously snorting up a white powder. I just rolled my eyes. Tweek fell into Craig's lap, laughing hysterically. Craig pulled the weed out his mouth and began kissing his boyfriend passionately. The whole scene seemed to be out of some movie, with the music pounding in my brain. It felt like home. Even Kyle was getting into the fun, taking shot after shot in an effort to beat some other guy in a contest. I hit up the bartender for some vodka, and slurped down the whole bottle. The whole table cheered. I knew coming here was a good idea. Much better than staying at home and dealing with my parents and...what was that other thing I was so worried about? I couldn't remember. I finally felt at ease for the first time in months. This is why I loved being alive. You sure couldn't party like this in hell.

After twelve bottles of beer, my judgement began fleeing me. A ton of girls had gathered around me. Poor, trashy girls like me who were impressed by a man who could drink. I sipped down mixtures of beers and vodkas and got kisses in return. I had no idea where everyone else was, or if they were even still there. My whole life was now centered on these girls....whatever their names were.

I lost consciousness at 1 AM.

I awoke to a bright light shining in my eyes. I realized it was just the fluorescent lights above me. I blinked to adjust my sight, and sat up. That was, until I realized I wasn't lying on the cushions alone. All four girls were around me.

Aw, shit.

I panicked. If anyone found out about this, I'd regain my title as a "slut." I had to get out of here. Luckily, nobody else seemed to be around, so I quietly slipped on my clothes and walked home.

The walk home was awfully quiet, and it gave me time to think about my excuse for when I got home. Lord knows my parents were gonna be pissed when they found out I was returning home at noon from some party they didn't know about. It was all set in stone..that was, until I heard footsteps from behind me. I whirled around, and Butters was standing there, about a yard away from me. He was just staring at me, unblinking. "Uh, Butters...?" I asked, but I didn't have a chance to finish my thought, because a huge shadow grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. It held a cloth over my face and held my limbs down with extraordinary strength. I tried screaming, but my thoughts were becoming all cloudy and swirled. And, once again, I lost consciousness.

I don't know how long I was out this time. It could have been hours, could have been weeks. All I could remember as I woke up was an extremely sharp, stabbing pain in my chest. I yelled out in terror, realizing that I was strapped to a dissection table in a dark, dingy room. Blood gushed out of my wound, making tears of fear well up in my eyes. "Finally! God, it took you forever to get up." A vaugly familiar voice said. I looked at my attacker's face. "No. No way. It can't be..." I muttered.

Eric Cartman leaned in close to my face. I could smell his breath: KFC, choclate and...death. His wide eyes pierced my soul, staring directly into it. A wide smile resembling the chesire cat pulled his face apart.

"Hello, Kenny. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

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