Part 3: Visitors (Tweek's POV)

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I was walking home, just casually minding my own business, but when I approached the door, a girl jumped right out of the bushes! I screeched, and nearly jumped out of my skin. "J-j-jeez! You really s-spooked me! What do you want anyway?" I demanded. The girl grabbed me and mouthed the words "inside. Now." I was totally freaked, so I let her in. Now I knew who she was. It was Justice, Cartman's longtime girlfriend. I heard that they had broken up due to relationship issues. Like that surprised anyone. She rushed inside, and closed all the curtains as quickly as possible, turned off all the lights, and ducked under the couch. She looked panicked. Her clothes were a mess, her red hair was scraggly and messy, and her eyes had dark circles around them. "Jeez! What's up with you?" I asked. She opened up her gray backpack and pulled out a whiteboard and marker. She began writing. She wrote:

I know this sounds crazy, but please, hear me out. I am being hunted by something. And it wants me dead.

She wrote. I almost panicked, but then realized what she meant. "Oh, I get it. This is some dumb prank that Craig pulled off. Alright Craig, you can stop it now." I shouted, but Justice shushed me quickly.

Please! Listen to me! I'm not kidding! It's hungry, and it wants my blood!

She wrote. I laughed. "Nice try, but pranks don't even scare me anymore. In fact, I think you can just get out of my house now." I said, pushing Justice out. She seemed eager to get back in. Tears filled her eyes. I didn't believe her little act for a second. I slammed the door, and went about my buisness.

Later that night, I could've sworn I heard someone scream, but I guessed it was just Cartman's mom being a whore again. I fell asleep soundly as the cicadas buzzed loudly.

I guess I should've taken the loud cicada buzzing as a bad omen.

Because what happened next, well...

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