Part 11: Cartman (Kenny's POV)

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"Hello Kenny. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Cartman said. I took a deep breath in. The air smelled of damp, rotting flesh and dried blood. Cartman's eyes pierced mine, and stared deep into my soul. My heart began beating harder and harder in my chest, until it felt it might break my ribcage. What the hell was going on? Where was I? Why was Cartman doing this? Cartman stared at my freaked-out expression and broke out laughing. "You stupid son of a bitch! You still have no idea what's going on, do you? Wow, I knew poor people were stupid, but I never could have guessed that they were this stupid!" He said. I felt that familiar feeling of seething hatred that always came out when Cartman was around. "You dirty bastard. What the hell do you want from me?" I demanded. Suddenly, the stab wound in my side throbbed, giving me a sharp pain up my spine. I cried out in pain, spitting a little bit on the way. The stench was getting unbearable. " really don't get it, do you?" I shook my head. He rushed over to me once again, bringing his face close to mine. "Why. Did. You. Abandon. Me? I WANT FUCKING ANSWERS! Don't you dare act like you thought this wouldn't happen!" He screeched. He rushed off to a far corner, where I couldn't see him. "Good fucking lord i cant believe he doesnt know ah how am i going to punish him stupid stupid stupid..." he muttered over and over. Bile started rising in my throat. What the actual fuck was I witnessing? I always thought Cartman was a nutjob, but he was having a fucking mental breakdown! He kept scratching at his head until it bled a little. Repeating the word stupid over and over. Then, he staggered over to me again, hysterically laughing. "Everything was going fine, just fine, until you all just left me like my dad did. Unforgivable. You all acted like I was the crazy one when you shunned me and pretended I didn't exist! Unforgivable! And then, you convinced Justice to leave me! UNFORGIVABLE!" He demanded. "C-cartman...we didn't make Justice leave you! She did that all on her own." I corrected. My entire body was covered in goosebumps, and I was shivering even though it was about eighty degrees in the room. "Yeah, but you did abandon me, didn't you?!" He yelled. Cartman curled up on the floor. "At least one person didn't leave me..Butters." My stomach churned. "Butters...?" I repeated. Butters stepped out of the darkness, looking completely white. I noticed there was a heavy chain attached to both his legs. "Cartman is my master. I do what he says." Butters said, sounding more like a robot. " can't be..." I said, feeling more and more defeated. Cartman stood up, a wide smile tearing apart his face. "I've had enough of your bullshit. It's time, Butters. Let's dispose of this worthless piece of white trash." He said, pulling a lever underneath the dissection table, lowering it into place. I was shaking. But I knew the result of this. I knew this wasn't going to matter in the long run. I started chuckling. "What the fuck?" Cartman said. "Kill me if you want, tubby. But it doesn't matter, anyway. I'll be back tomorrow, and then, I'll destroy your ass for even attempting to kill me. You're gonna wish you never messed with me!" I yelled. Cartman began laughing again. "You think I didn't know that, you stupid cunt? Don't worry, you can beat me up all you want. In fact, you can go tell everyone I killed you last night. But who in god's name is going to believe you? They're all gonna think you're crazier than me!" He exclaimed. "Go on, Kenny! Tell the whole world how I'm going to stick nails through your fingers! Go scream that I tore your chest apart and took all your organs! Go gossip about how I hit you in the head with an axe! Who knows, maybe one person will believe you!" He screeched. His laughter seemed to be hurting him. Bile once again rose in my throat. He was right. Too right. Painfully right.

"I've had enough of this bullshit. Butters, hand me the nails." Cartman demanded. I looked at Butters pleadingly. But he simply shook his head sadly. "Sorry, Kenny." He said, giving a handful of rusty nails to Cartman. He placed the ugliest one on my thumb, and raised a mallet high above his head. "Ooooooh, I'm so going to enjoy this." He said, smashing the nail right into my thumb. Blood spurted out of the wound, covering the nail and landing on my face. I screamed, the pain only beginning. The dirt dug into my wound, only stinging and making it much worse. Cartman moved on to each finger, one by one, nailing it to the hard-wood dissection table. Blood covered my hands, which were beginning to loose feeling. Cartman laughed as he saw me struggling and screeching. "Finally, some revenge! I can't believe I waited so long to do this!" He said, his face turning red with blush. "God, I love this so much.." he said. I was breathing heavily. "You... sick..bastard..." I managed to say. He gave me a disgusted look. "I'm the sick bastard? Take a look in the mirror, pal." He grabbed a large pair of scissors and cut off my shirt. "Now, for the main event!" He raised a large knife over his head and jabbed it into my skin, cutting down and across. The pain was unimaginable at this point. Blood and vomit mixed together spurted out of my mouth. He tore open the wound, revealing my ribcage and organs. He greedily stabbed at my bones with the knife. I was beginning to loose consciousness, and Cartman took notice. "Ugh, passing out already? Fine. Butters! Get me the syringe." He demanded. Butters handed him a large needle full of an odd liquid. "Pure adrenaline. Perfect for little shits like you who want to conk out early." He said smugly. He jabbed the syringe into my arm, injecting the adrenaline. My heart almost immediately sped up, with my consciousness rapidly returning. He greedily returned to grabbing my organs and ripping them out of my body. Finally, he was down to the heart. The gates of hell were before me, and I could feel the hands of Satan dragging me down. "See you in school tomorrow, Kenny!" Cartman laughed, before ripping my heart out and cutting the cord.

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