Part 8: Hell's Text Messages (Kenny's POV)

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As my consciousness returns to me, I slowly open my eyes. The light is blinding, and it burns my retinas. I immediately shut my eyes again. "What happened..." I muttered to myself. I slowly raised a hand to my head, and touched a bloody hole. "AAAAUGH!" I screeched in pain. I wished that the shovel had taken me completely out. Now I was going to have to wait until I bled out. No fair.

Two long hours passed, and my heart finally stopped beating. I felt myself being yanked beneath the surface of reality, and being thrown into a familiar world. Hell.

Well, only level one of Hell, anyway. As I landed harshly on the burning hot ground, a familiar face helped me to my feet. X, the demon who served as a signpost for wandering spirits. His awful, ugly lizard-like face seemed to almost be..rotting. Bits and pieces of flesh were falling off his skin, and his long, black robe was covered in greenish blood. Several flies circled his face, and some had landed on his left eye, which had long since fallen out of its socket. "New look there, X?" I asked. "No...I am simply...dying." He said, before erupting into a caphony of loud, wet hacking coughs. "You certainly look like a walking corpse." I said. He turned around, and began leading me up the burning hot path. "Death....comes...slowly for my kind." He said. "It will...take...a hundred years....before I can finally rest..." He began coughing violently again. "That sucks. At least you have the ability to die." I said. X let out a weak laugh. "Look around you, Kenny. Do you see the suffering of the dead? What makes you think they're so lucky?" He said. I looked around and saw the usual sights I saw every time I died: sinners burning alive in pits of black lava, people having their geniatals forcefully removed from them, and other such horrible forms of torture. "You have a point there. At least my pain only lasts in short bursts, for them it's all eternity." I thought out loud. X smiled. "Who knows, perhaps you may join them one day." He said, and started coughing once more. Then, he stopped, and muttered a few words in an incomprehensible language. The land we stood on raised into a mountain that touched the sky. And there was a small portal to the normal world. "Well, see you later, I guess." I said. " go away, stupid mortal..." X muttered. The portal sucked me up into my bed, where I awoke with a start, like it had all been a horrible dream.

The next day, I had recieved a few texts from Craig in the group chat with all our friends.

Craigman2001: dudes tweek and i are going out 2nite you all coming with???

Kyleiscool1995: im in

Stanofmanymoons49: sorry, got stuff to do 😢

Motherfuckingkenny669: Sure, why not.

Heyaitstweeek764: bring $$$$ y'all we are gonna get so wasted 😜😜😜

I sighed. Tweek always wanted to get high or drunk, but he always felt too guilty to do it alone. I never quite understood him.

A few hours later, when I was getting dressed to head to the coffee shop, I recieved a text from an unknown number.

[anon] [link]

I was confused, but it just seemed like a spam texter, so I blocked the number and moved on with my life. But when I got to the coffee shop, the texts kept coming. At a steady pace. It seemed that whenever I blocked the number, three more numbers would text me, demanding that I click the link. I was starting to get a little unnerved by now, and I was just about to call someone when I heard someone pull out the chair from in front of me. "Okay if I sit here?" Wendy asked. I nodded absentmindedly. I knew that Stan, Kyle and I had sworn to not talk to Wendy, but they weren't here, so all bets were off. She seemed to be dressing extra-slutty today, with a tight white shirt showing off her extra-large tits. I tried hard to look into her eyes. (Staring is a bad habit of mine.) She smiled at me. "Is everything ok with Stan?" She asked. I nodded. "He seems to be ok. I just wish he hadn't canceled on us today." I replied. Wendy's smile faltered. "Oh...that's not good. I gotta check on him today." I frowned. "Why? He's just been busy." I asked. But before Wendy could answer, my phone rang loudly. "Jeez, I thought I had set this thing on silent...hang on a minute." I said, and answered the phone. "Hello?" I said. There was absolute silence for about fifteen seconds. I shrugged and went to hang up. "Must've been a butt dial," I thought out loud. But before I could touch the button, the voice on the other end screamed so loud it nearly broke my eardrums: "CLICK THE LINK!!" Then, the other line hung up. Everyone in the coffee shop turned to look at me. I was super embarrassed. "Jeez, what was that?" Wendy asked. "I've been getting some weird texts recently, demanding that I click some dumb link. I just assumed that it was spam, but now I think I should call the cops." I said. Wendy shrugged. "Maybe you should just click the link, perhaps he'll stop." She said. I thought it over. "I guess so. Your phone only lives once, right?" I said. Wendy laughed, and I clicked the link, smiling.

My smile slid off my face as soon as I saw the page.

It seemed to be a 90s website page, the URL being There was a single picture on the screen, one of a bloody dinner plate with a fork and knife sitting next to it. On the plate was a collection of different internal organs, bits of skin, and a piece of an ear. The glass sitting next to the plate seemed to contain...blood?!

The caption read:

[anon] just enjoying a light dinner with my boo ;)

I nearly threw up, it was so graphic. Wendy seemed to notice the look on my face, and she seemed to panic a little. "Oh my god, are you ok?" She asked. I got up from my chair and started towards the door. "I have to go." I said. "But why?" "I JUST GOTTA GO, OK?!" I yelled. She looked taken aback. But I had no reason to apologize. I needed to get this to the police!!

"Hello? Excuse me? I need help!" I yelled upon entering the police station. An officer ran up to me. "Yeah, kid? What's the issue?" He asked, looking concerned. "Look at what I found on this website!" I said, holding my phone out for him to see. "Whoa! Jeez, kid, no need to advertise that stuff." He said. A police officer came up behind him, and looked at the screen. "Hey Kenny, I didn't know you were into hentai." He said. "No, I'm not...wait, what?" I said. I looked at my phone. The website had been replaced by a high-quality hentai photo. I gagged a little seeing it. "Look kid, what you're doing isn't illegal, but keep it to yourself, ok?" I glared at him. "No, that's not what I was trying to show you, I swear! There was a cannibal posting on a website called! I saw it with my own eyes!" I demanded. The officer laughed. "Well, maybe I should go see this 'cannibal' on that website. Maybe she's super hot." He said jokingly. A couple of other officers laughed. "Grrr! I should have guessed you guys wouldn't do anything. The police force of South Park is useless!" I said, and stormed off. "Hey kid, can you link me to that site?" An officer called out to me.

I recieved another message from Tweek:

Heyitstweeek764: party starts in 1 hr!! Dont forget

I swallowed hard. Maybe some partying would help me forget this. Perhaps it was best to just leave this situation alone. The police wouldn't do anything, so why should I even try?

Another text came through before I went home:

[anon] thanks for clicking the link, Kenny! Soon, all will be right with the world. All will be like it was before. You will respect me, you will all worship me. You will beg and plead for your lives at my mercy. Sleep light while you can, South Park, because change is coming.

I ignored the text. I didn't even want to think about it.

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