Part 6: Butters (Stan's POV)

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Ok, so I have no idea what's going on with Kenny. One moment he's trying to tell me something important, the next he's saying he's high or something, and then he's gone. Oh well, fuck you too, Kenny. Jesus, I'm so sick of people treating me like trash. I just feel awful today. I just want to beat someone to a pulp. I want to knock their goddamn teeth out! I run out of my house, and the first person I see is little old Butters. Little old Butters is about to get his ass handed to him! I sock him right in the middle of the face. He bleeds from the nose, and I instantly feel better. But then, the reality of what I've done sets in. What the fuck is wrong with me?! I just...I just...

I collapse next to Butters. "Oh my god Butters, are you ok?! I'm so sorry! I was-" I started but Butters began seeing the blood on his hands and starts chuckling a bit. "Uh...Butters? Are you..?" He looks at me with an inhuman smile. "EC will want my liquid..he will want it all..." he mutters. "Dude, what was that?" I ask, overly concerned. Butters looks over at me, as if he's just noticed I'm sitting there. "I forgive you old b-buddy. I gotta go now," he said before running off. I'm confused. But Butters has never been quite the same since his boyfriend passed away. I decided to just slide the whole thing under the rug. I did feel awful, though. I decided that tommorow, I'd take him to see Princess Pony 4, his favorite movie, to make up for it. I can't stand hurting others.

I was sitting at lunch, discussing the whole predicament with Kyle. He totally agreed with me on the fact that Butters was acting weird. Tweek and Craig decided to come with us to the movies as a way to make Butters feel included. After school let out, we caught him walking home. "Hey Butters!" I called out to him. He started walking a little faster, but we caught up to him easily. He gave me a disgusted look, and sped up. "Look Butters, I know you may hate me right now, but I want to make it up to you. So how about we go see Princess Pony 4, just the five of us? It's on me." I say to him. Butters stopped abruptly. "R-r-really? Well, ok then!" He exclaimed. Tweek jumped into our conversation and yelled "GROUP HUG!!" And pulled us all into a tight embrace. We all laughed at how gay Tweek was. Butters seemed to totally panic. We all let go once we saw him starting to cry. "Uhh...ahem. Let's go." I said, and we moved along in silence.

I can't say I hated Priness Pony 4, because it wasn't that horrible, but I'll never admit that. Anyway, Butters was acting really weird. He ordered like, a fuckton of food at the theater. Like $45 worth of candy. Second, he repeatedly went to the bathroom during the show. We were waiting for him outside the theater during an especially long bathroom break. "Jeez, what's taking him so long?" Craig said, annoyed. "I don't know. He didn't have anything to drink at the theater." Tweek said. That's when I became a bit worried. "Dude, he might be in trouble. I'm going in there." I said. "How would he be in trouble?" Asked Craig. "Like, if he was cutting himself, he could.." "How would you know that depressed people like to cut themselves in their bathrooms? Have you ever done that, Stan?" Craig asked suspiciously. I sweated. "No way, Craig! How dare you suggest that! I would never..." Craig simply looked away. Tweek looked a little annoyed. "Dick move, babe."

I think Craig might think that I'm hiding my true self...

As I entered the bathroom, I noticed that it was suspiciously empty. Until some horrible retching noises started erupting from the last stall. I opened the door to see Butters standing over the toilet bowl full of his vomit. " he....wants........" he sputtered. I grab Butters by the shoulders. "Butters?! Oh my god! Are you ok?!" I demanded. "I'" Butters sputters. He coughs up blood. "Oh my god..Butters...this is all my fault! I should have payed attention! I was right. I am so fucking useless!!" I screamed. Butters held my face. "Shut up Stan...I'm only doing make him happy..." he whimpered. "Butters, why are you doing this? Who are you making happy?" I asked. "My...boyfriend...likes my flesh thin...makes it" He said weakly. My eyes widened even more. "Who is doing this?! Who is this awful guy?!" I demanded.

He whispered a name in my ear.

I went outside and told the guys to take Butters to the hospital. I had buisness to attend to.

Big buisness.

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