she took my breathe away

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Asher's POV

Pulling out my skateboard from my car and grabbing my duffle bag, heading down to the batting cages like I normal do on weekends.

Grabbing my hat out of my backseat before closing my car doors and locking them, and quickly heading off into the way of the practice cages. Having my music playing, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings but who is all the time and with my ride only bring about 5 minutes I really didn't see the needed aspect of having my ear buds out.

Looking down at my wheels spinning and not what was ahead of me which was probably a mistake but I really don't care I wasn't in a mood of wanting to do anything. Taking off my hat and running my hand through my hair and replacing my hat back on but being quickly flown off of my board after running into someone.

I flew backward but they grabbed my body and pulled it against theirs so they hit the ground instead of me. My ear buds were taken out when the impact happened so I heard the mysterious females grunt and when she said 'fuck' when we both hit.

"Holy shit I'm so sorry," I said looking down at her and pushing away her black hair that was now covering most of her face from the collision. I looked down and saw that her orange hoodie was ripped at the sleeve and stomach my emotions quickly changed to automatically feel bad and regretful not paying attention.

"No, It's alright I wasn't paying that much attention, but are you okay did you get hurt?" she asked and grabbed my face in her hand, causing me to blush.

"No I'm okay but serious thank you so much really, here have this." I unzipped my duffle bag and handing her my black and blue school hoodie.

"No its fine I'll just buy another one" she said as she just were sitting down on the ground and she took of her now ripped hoodie and threw it beside her.

"No I insisted, Its completely fine" I inforced while pushing it closer to her.

She gave up fighting and quickly put it on as it was pretty cold outside for it being March. "Sorry for what happened, my names Asher," I quickly smiled at her which lead her to blush.

"I'm Lauren, it's nice to meet you, even if I had to lose a hoodie over it" I laughed and let my head fall back (pun intended) and hit her arm.

"I'm sorry about that, really." I bit my lip as I looked her at in my hoodie. She just laughed and mumbled that it was okay, but her brown eyes where telling me so much more.

"uh this might sound weird but can I maybe like get your number?" I said as I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"uh yeah here" she put out her hand and I placed my phone in her hand. I saw a bright blush appear on her cheeks and I just smiled.

She quickly put her number in my phone and I just looked at her as she was honestly the prettiest girl I've ever seen. "Thanks, honestly thought you where going to regect me."

"Why?" She questioned me as we both started to stand up. I got up first and held my hand out, which she took.

"Normal girls like you are either straight or taken, or straight and taken." I quickly dusted myself off and flung my bag over my shoulder and picked up my bat that was now laying on the ground.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment" Lauren laughed and I automatically start feeling badly for what I said.

"Fuck I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just. I mean. Fuck I'm sorry if that offended you in anyway" I quickly looked to the ground and blushed extremely bad as for what I said could be rude.

My chin was lifted by her hand, making eye contact with her but still feeling like an asshole for the what I said. "Hey Asher it's fine it didn't bother me, but I'm glad you automatically apologized because you realize how people could have taken that."

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