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The drive to the Cimorelli's home I was pretty quiet compared to normal. We pulled up to the house and a unrecognizable car was parked in the driveway.

"Fuck." I looked over at Lauren and raised my eyebrow at her. "What?"

She unbluckled herself quickly and looked over at me. Smashing her lips onto mine. She straddled me and started grinding into me.

I pulled back and made her look at me. "What's going on?"

"That's my PR manager. He's going to try and break us up because I'm happy and thinks our band needs more promotion"

I pulled her down on me more. She laughed and moved her hair to the side. "Princess. I'm not going anywhere. And I know you're not going to let me go anywhere. You can fire him of it that big of an issue. You don't need a PR manager"

She nodded and smiled even bigger, "god. I fucking love you" she started playing with the baby hairs on the back of my neck.

We just continued talking about how badly she wanted to fire her PR manager and just have fun with me today. I promised her that we would do all of that after she went into her house and talked with everyone.

She rolled her eyes and pressed her lips back on mine and slipped one of her hands up my shirt and rolled her hips into mine.

We stopped with the banging on my window. We both groaned and looked over at them. I flinched when I didn't know the face in my window.

"Fucking Mark" Lauren moved over to the passenger seat and flung open the door and walked over to him. I got out quickly after because I wasn't in the mood to see a fight

"Fuck fuck fuck"

"What are you fucking doing here Mark!" Lauren got in his face, looking up and down him

He grabbed her wrist trying to take it inside. But me seeing him touch her with such force like that sent something off in my mind.

I grabbed his hand off of her wrist and pushed him back away from her. "Don't put your hands on her."

He put his hands up and back away a step. "Fine Lauren. I'm here to tell you that you need to break up with her" he pointed at me.

"Oh really Mark? Why is that?"

"You need more attention for the drop of your bands album Lauren." Lauren rolled her eyes and intertwined our fingers. "No. This isn't a game Mark. It's staying. And if you're not okay with that. You'll be going."

He laughed and rolled his eyes at us. "Lauren what are you going to do? Fire me? Sure. You need me, now this will be over now."

"You're right. I'm firing you. And I don't need you. Y'all though our peck would be our 2nd album. Nope. We are still rising. And honestly our relationship broadened our fans. So we will be great without you. Now get your shit car and leave. My record label gave us full power of this type of shit. Now leave" Lauren calmly told him and he got red and extremely upset.

"Fine fuck yourself Lauren. You'll miss my help" he walked over to his car and flipped us off. We laughed and waved as he pulled out and bottomed out on a speed bump.

I pulled her into me and gave her a tight hug. She only lightly wrapped her arms around my waist. I told her to stop worrying and she tightened her grip on me.

I laughed as she started poking my neck. I slapped her hands away and whispered calling her a punk.

She gasped and snickered at me. She lead us up to her home, it being weirdly and almost disgustingly quiet.

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now