cars and parking lots

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Me and Lauren just stared at each other. "What. What do you mean?"

I stuttered over my words not expecting her response to be just that. I knew she wasn't completely in the right mindset. Yeah shes not in the right mindset that's what up.

"Nevermind. We'll talk about this when you're in the right mindset"

I tried moving out from under her but she pushed me back by my chest. "No Asher I mean it. I'm tired of us just being friends. Friends don't do what we do. I know I fucked up in the past but we have a few days here before we have to go to Texas. Please give me a chance to make something happen"

She kept her hand on my chest, I was sure she could feel my heartbeat get faster and more intense.

I didnt want to take her serious because it could just be the liquor talking. But I didnt want her to be being serious and me say no. Because I want to figure us out.

"We have these next few days. Okay. I don't know if you're being serious about this but if nothing comes out of it. We wait. A while. Until things fully settle down."

She nodded vigorously and I let a soft smile break from my lips. Her hand snaked up to hold the back of my neck as she slowly pulled me in.

Our lips slowly and sweetly met each other. The kiss wasn't like our normal ones. This one was filled with passion and weirdly, originality.

Thats the only way I could describe the way our lips moved against each other.

I slowly moved hands down to her waist and rested them there. She took over the passionate kiss. As if it was her trying to prove a point to me.

I smiled breaking the kiss and causing her to groan. "I want to try Asher."

"Then try"

I successful slip out under Lauren and opened the door, waiting for her to follow out.

She walked out and I smile realizing that she seemed to be actually interested in fixing our past.

We both made it back to the table where Lisa and Dani were texting away on their phones. I slid back into the booth with Lauren following. Acting like we weren't just for 10 minutes.

They didn't comment on us arriving just looked up and nodded. I looked over at Lauren who had her hand out. 

I raised an eyebrow at her and opened my phone and handed it to her. She started scrolling and blocking or unfollowing girls on my Instagram and Snapchat that showed obvious interest in me.

I chuckled at her jealousy and I watched as she groaned and responded to girls texting me.

I grabbed hers and just played games after opening up all 326 unopened messages. God I dont know how she does it. I hate having so many unopened messages.

I did kind of check her pictures though to make sure there wasn't any bitches I should be worried about.


I looked over at her with a scrunched face in confusion. "My eyes only password"

"Same here" I let the comment fall from my lip. We both came up with that number when we together. Weirdly it wasn't a date or a important thing.

We just liked the way it looked.

I opened her eyes only and the most recent picture a screenshot of when I fell asleep on facetime when I promised I wouldn't.

I chuckled at that moment even if was only a couple days ago. We are bestfriend.

We spend ever single night and day texting and on facetime with each other. We are unstoppable. It honestly seems like thats what we were meant to be best friends or somehow in each others lives.

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now