moves made

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I looked down at Lauren. Her eyes changing looking like honey.

"Make a move then" I moved off of Lauren, grabbing my phone and went to go wash off my makeup.

I heard her groan and mumbled fuck. I chuckled and grabbed one of the hotels toothbrushes.

I started brushing my teeth and making sure I didn't have any acne coming in yet. I danced around with them music playing and chuckled at myself.

I washed out my mouth and I sat up on the bathroom counter. I swung my extremely long legs and opened up some Snapchats.

@iamhalsey liked your post x9
@iamhalsey commented: she cute cute
@iamhalsey followed you

My eyes widden and I quickly go and try to delete her comment but Lauren came into the bathroom and pecked my lips before bringing me into a deep and passion filled kiss.

"Mm" I said as I placed my phone down and grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to me. She started kissing on my neck and I let my head move to the side.

My phone vibrated and I just completely ignored it. Lauren moved her lips off of my neck, causing me to groan and look at her.

She was looking down and typing on my phone. "Babe?"

She ignored and placed my phone back in my hands.

"Gotta keep my baby knowing who she belongs to."

I looked down at my phone to see Halsey had dm'ed me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I pulled Lauren into me as she faced away from her.

I opened my phone around Laurens waist with my thumbprint and looked at the conversation.

hey im ashley and i just found your profile. i was wondering if we could meet up sometime soon?

cool but i have a girl. sorry

oh i didnt know, my bad.


She looked over she shoulder and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and smirked at her.

"Let me talk you out to breakfast tommorow" Lauren asked and I playfully pretended to think about an anwser.

She rolled her eyes and pushed herself out of inbewteen my legs. She was pissed.

"Nothing before 7 sweetheart!" I yelled as she closed the bathroom door. I heard her yell okay and I laughed. I can't believe the jealously on that girl.

I turned off the lights and made sure the door was locked and had the hatch on. I walked over to the bed with Lauren recording me. I flipped her off and jumped under the covers.

"I'll have to go to my hotel tommorow."

Lauren mumbled whatever and cuddled into my neck after turning off the lamp. I reached to my side and plugged my phone in.

I wrapped my arm around Lauren's waist. Like I used to do everytime before we fell asleep.

I let a small smile break out and I tightened my grip, making her come closer. I felt her smile on my neck and I just watched the show playing.

I didn't want to get my hopes again. As I was doing what I know how to do best. Think it means nothing.

Her breathing slowly evened out and I sighed. My feelings were all over the place. And damn I'm so fucking scared.

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now