first video

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(For videos in bloopers and stuff like that, the camera person will be Asher and not the guys. That's also for in the future!)

I would be lying if I said I slept last night, I couldn't. She took over everything in my mind. I drove around all night, just thinking. I couldn't get her off of my mind, the way she smiled or when she touched me my whole body would light up like a firework and my feeling would be thrown against the wall. I'm fucking whipped already aren't I. I got maybe an hour of sleep that night, not healthy, definitely. Luckily my game got moved to Monday, so it wasn't that bad.

I texted Lauren that it was moved and she said okay and told me should be busy with her sisters today, shooting a video for tomorrow or something. We texted for a little bit until she needed to go, which let me slip into a sleep for at less a few more hours.

I woke back up at 10 and got some basketball shorts on with a tie dye shirt and my basketball shoes. I got my keys and a couple water bottles with my wallet, locking my apartment door and driving to a old gym that I did conditioning in on my off days normally. I unlocked the gym and turned on the lights and plugged my phone into the speakers that I put in when the owners gave me a key to the gym.

I did my normal, running, sprinting, drills, suicides, more drills, and even more suicides. I'm not going to lie and say that this shit is fun but you got to get better some how. Killing myself for about 2 hours and finally just sitting in the middle of the court with sweat dripping down my body and having my legs burning.

I got up and walked over to my phone, turning on and hooking up the Bluetooth so my music could still play. I grabbed one of my waters a drank it all before I checked my messages with Lauren. I took off my shirt as I was extremely sweaty and not trying to get that shirt smelling like sweat.

She asked me if I could go out and eat but I responded I had to practice still. I looked at my Instagram and still, floods of follow request came in from people I didn't know and fan accounts for Cimorelli. Many of school bitches texted me last night, trying to because sudden friends.

A few of my actual friends told me that if I became a fake popular that they would kill me. Lauren texted me saying that her and sister had a break and Christina wanted to bring me lunch from what I did last night. I said that she she didn't have to but she insisted and I sent her my address.

I knew I needed to still practice more so I placed a rock at the front door and told Lauren that they could just walk in. I turned up my music even more making all sounds from outside not hearable. Doing my exercises for about 30 more minutes until I saw the Cimorelli sisters standing by the door. I ran and turned off my music, and trying to catch my breath.

"Hey sorry how long have you guys been there?" I asked as Lisa pushed everyone out of the way and sat against the wall pading.

"Only about 3 mintues, not to long. But you are extremely quick, like damn" Amy said as all the girls started walking the where Lisa was sitting.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you waiting, also thank you Christina for the food." I sat in front of the girls, besides Lauren who sat next to me. I kissed Lauren's cheek and ate one of the fries out of the bag.

"So how has your day been so far?"

"Busy, filming has been hard today. I forgot how complicated it is to film without a cameraman" Dani complained as I nodded and looked at Christina.

"You guys want some help, for today at least?"

"Wait really! Your not messing with us" Lisa asked as she played with her hat.

"I mean up to you guys, if you need help. I'm willing to do whatever" I rememberd I was shirtless as Lauren was biting her lip and looking at my stomach. I got up and grabbed my shirt, putting it on.

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now