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I rushed around the house looking for my soccer shorts. I needed the team shorts for my scrimmage today.

I cursed and jogged to my phone remembering I left them at Lauren's house a few days before. I tried calling but no anwser happened. I got up and grabbed my keys and locked my house.

I just needed my shorts. I know it was kinda crazy but I really wanted to play this scrimmage.

I threw the car in park and rushed into the Cimorelli's house. It was only Dani and Lauren's car that I could see. Another one was there but it didn't look familiar.

I didnt care and hurried into the house, not caring to knock. Dani jumped seeing me rush through the door. "I'm going to Lauren's room."

She stood up and pushed me back my chest telling me no. I batted her hand down and tried going up the stairs.

"Ash stop. I- fuck just don't go up there. I'll get what you need" her voice cracking.

I scrunched my eyebrows and I heard Lauren's laugh and the sounds of the floor cracking.

"Dani. I suggest if you want to live past this moment. You move. Now."

She gulped and backed away from me. I calmly walked up the stairs. And twisted the door open.

I wasn't even hurt by the image infront of me. Lauren. Sitting on another girls lap. Laurens arms wrapped around the girls neck. Lauren swung around and got off quickly.


I grabbed my shorts off of her chair and walked out of the room. Slamming the door. I walked down the stairs and kissed Dani' s forehead.

"You've always been here. Thank you" I mumble by her face before Lauren started rushing down the stairs.

I shook my head and walked to the door. "Asher stop walking away! It's not what it seemed!"

I laughed and opened the front door but it closing as Lauren shoved it closed.

"Nice hoodie Lauren. Where did you get it? I bet it's hers. Getting your sister to protect you is pathetic. I need to go if I going to make it on time. This is done. Keep her. She looks to make you happy"

I motioned for Dani to come follow me. She stood up and slipped out the front door. Waiting for me. Lauren looked down to see the hoodie and shook her head.

"No Asher it's not like that she's just a friend! I got cold and I thought it was yours please believe me!"

I scolf and took off the ring she just gave me. I grabbed her hand lightly and placed in her palm.

A tear dropped from my face and I let it hit the ground. I grabbed the doorknob and mumbled "I'm not dumb Lauren. Something would have happened if I didn't walk in. So have fun. I wish you well."

I opened the door and closed it. The last thing that I heard was her yelling it wasn't like that.

I jogged over to Dani and just sobbed into her arms. I didnt want to feel anymore. I just hated it. So much.

But I still loved Lauren. But I can't do that.

"What were they doing Dani?"

I lifted my head up and made her look in my eyes. She swallowed and tried to break the eye contact between us. I grabbed her face in my shaky hands.

"I don't know Asher. But she wouldn't hurt you on purpose like that. I just. I have no clue."

I shook my head and we both got into my truck. I looked at the house and the friend was being pushed out of the home.

I could contain my anger. "Asher don't." Dani told me just it didn't mean shit.

I open and slammed my door shut and rushed at the girl. I full on sprinted and tackling her causing her to groan from the force.

I sent a few flying punches before Dani pulled me off. The girl laid there for a second before hobbling to her car.

I laughed and got back into my truck with a smirk. Watching her drive off.

I quickly put the truck in drive and drove quickly to my game.

We both got out and I got ready. Dani was supporting me but halfway through warmups Lauren's car pulled up. I couldn't deal with her. She got out and I grabbed my shot quickly. Telling the coach I had an emergency.

She understood and told me to go but hurry back if I could make it for any part of the game.

I nodded and pushes to my truck. Leaving Dani there as she was now at Lauren's car. Lauren going open her door and came after me. But I got in and reserved quick enough. Letting me to put a gap of space.

I stopped when I saw her put her head down. I rolled the window down and I knew I'd regret what I was going to do.


She looked up and grabbed and shook the hand hanging out of the window. She stopped and put the ring thay she gave me back on.


I nodded my head and let go of her hand. I pulled away and drove to my apartment

I don't want to be just friends but oh well. 7 months of tour without her won't be bad anymore.

Who am I fucking kidding. Yeah I will. I will always miss her. But she fucked up. She was the one how hurt and played with my feelings. It wasn't my fault.

Or maybe it is. Maybe I didn't give her enough or what she wanted. Maybe I was just too complicated. I knew falling for a celebrity wasn't the right thing to do.

Fuck! I told myself that she was going to be bad news. Celebrities are all the same. They play and get what they want. Dating isn't something people like her do.

But like I said. I will always miss Lauren Cimorelli. And I know damn well I'll always love her.

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