we broke up..

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I groan and grabbed my phone that was going off. "Hello?"

"Um hey Asher"

I sat up quickly and seemingly woke up fully. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the date on my phone?

"Lauren? Why are you calling me. You're on tour?"

She sighed and I sat up. I heard the bus moving in the background of the phone.

She closed a door and I knew she was in the bathroom. "I miss us. You. But I don't want my fans to think we are still together. They just think we are MIA but we're not."

I reached over and turned on the light. "So what do you want to do?" I ran my hand through my hair as it was too late for this.

"I want to make a video. Of both sides and post it. So they know we are on good terms you know. Just not together."

"Did you cheat on me Lauren?"

"Fuck Asher I could never. I spilt water in the other side of my bed and so I tried to go over Sam but she other ideas. I thought it was your hoodie! I didn't wrap my arms around her. I was pushing her away. She was only over bc you were busy and I didn't you wanted me around." Lauren whispered/yelled/told me.

I did feel bad for breaking up with her. But I think it was the best for her. And now with the tour I felt like it was the best for her band.

I got up and set up a camera on my desk and sat down on my bed. "Want to be on facetime while I make my video?"

She told me yes so I hung up and facetimed her. I put my hair up and turned on a light making me not look like shit.

I reached around and pressed the record button. I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

"Lauren. This isn't my scene!"

I laughed and flopped back into my bed. She laughed and told me to man up I stood up and walked around my room. "Asher put a shirt on!"

I stopped and looked at her. She laughed and I rolled my eyes. I got right back infront of the camera.

"Hi. I'm Asher. And Lauren and I used to date. And this our story."

I broke out laughing and stood up yelling in awkwardness. I jumped into my bed and pretend to go to sleep. "Asher get up!"

I couldn't help but listen to her and look at her.

"Fuck sorry. I'm not good at this. So me and Lauren broke up about 2 maybe 3 months ago right? Also Lauren is on facetime with me" I looked at her and she nodded

"Nobody cheated or anything like that. We worked, really well too. But we had our issue like ever relationship. Um we didn't have as much though."

I smiled remembering all the amazing times we spent together. "Tour was going to happen. And there was no stopping it. There was a lot of issues with that as well. Lauren would have been away for 7 plus months as I stayed in Nashville and did sports and school."

She laughed at how she knew how sports meant to me. I rolled my eyes and sat forward.

"Also it's 2am right now and Lauren called asking to do this so if it's a mess I'm sorry."

"But we loved each other so much that tour was going to break us. And yes I did believe that would could make it through it. I don't know if she did but I did."

She yelled that she did and I shrugged. I rested my head in my hands as I kept talking.

"One day things just kind of fell apart and I couldn't do it. Nothing against her, we talked it out and everything. We are very close friends. But it's hard just not being romantically with someone that you love so deeply."

I looked up and stared into the camera. "I do still love her. I will always have a piece of me that if the stars cross again and everything was perfect. I'd take her back in seconds."

I smiled at Lauren but look away quickly. "But that won't happen soon. They will be on a world tour and I have my senior year coming. I would have loved us staying together but she is famous and she lives a complete different life from me. I have so much to say but I don't knoe how it word it"

I walked around my bed for a few second trying to think. "But all I see is lonely people in crowded rooms. The city going to break my heart, the city going to love then leave me alone, the city got me chasing stars. It's been a couple months since I've felt like I'm home. Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong. The city is going to break my heart. She going to break your heart."

I stopped and ran over to Lauren. "What did I just do?"

"You just made that your chorus"

I sat down and looked at the camera "she's got a hold on me. Lauren will always. Just she needs to focus on her career right now as it only goimg to get bigger from here for her."

"But whatever you guys are called. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still going to show up and be around the girls. Just no more gay shit between Lauren and me. But yeah. I'll be here. And guys give Lauren and that whole family your support.  They do everything for you."

I laughed as I stood up to ge water and Lauren yelled at me saying I need to put a freaking shirt on. I laughed and grabbed a Sad Girls Club hoodie of the floor that was Lauren's and put it on.

"Oh! Also get yourself some merch! Because look how cute and comfy it is. I can promise Lauren that using that clip will sell so much merchhhh!"

I yelled getting engery that I haven't had in months. I was going have fun in my free time and me mopping around because Lauren wasn't mine isn't going to happen anymore.

I smiled at her. She was my bestfriend now. Yes I want be more then that but I am okay with it.

"Also to all the boys. None of you will be able to make her cu- Asher no!"

I stopped and winked and the camera. "That's if from me. Have fun" I turned it off and flopped back onto the bed.

"Goodnight Asher. I'll send you my video tommorow. But lookalike you need some sleep."

I heard her hang up and I mumbled "fuck. I will never not love her."

After the video was posted. A lot of people followed me. A lot of famous people. And the girls tour became a year long one.

Our break up video was the worst thing that happened from the break up. Everyone was already going after Lauren. People were begging me to make new music. After I finshed The City with Lauren. I didnt want that. So. I with under the grid.

I miss her. A lot.

I still talk to the girls every often but now I'm just doing school and sports. And I'm still not over Lauren. And I won't be for a while. Not after what will happen.

hey guys. im sorry about the chapters being short but i promise the next one will be a banger. and look. i have been pushing out chapters. but the support from y'all is crazy. thank you!

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