i miss us Asher.

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I smiled and opened my arms. "Come here my love"

Lauren ran and impacted with my body and started crying on my shoulder. She grasped to the back off my shirt as if I was going to be ripped away from her.

I held her closer by her waist as she cried on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't touch her like th-"

Lauren just grabbed me tighter and the security graud huffed, walking away. I laughed and kissed her forehead.

She pulled away and glanced at my lips before looking back down.

"You shouldn't have paid to come here Asher"

I snickered and rolled my eyes at her. "Watch yourself Cimorelli. Or I might just reschedule my flight home"

"No you won't."

We got told to hurry up and so I got inbetween Dani and Lauren as they told the pictures.

It felt so weird being there. In front of the girl I love so much. She was my ex. But it didn't feel like that.

The security graud went to grab me to pull me out. Lauren saw her was going for my wrist and she pushed him back.

"Don't touch her there. Got it?"

He just walked out and Lauren sighed. "You remembered?"

She smiled and nodded as she slipped her hand into mine. Friends hold hands right?

"You go fucking crazy when people try and grab your wrist. It sets something off and makes you really upset"

I blushed and shoved her with my shoulder. I let go of our hands and made my way to the exit but Dani jumped on my back and told me I wasn't going anywhere.

I laughed and asked where I needed to take her. Lauren looked down and pointed to the other door behind all the cameras. "Thank you love"

I pecked her cheek and she rolled her eyes at me.

"She can't go back there"

One of their managers said and I just walked right up to the door not caring what he said.

"Cute shirt Ash"

I laughed and told her I knew. Dani scanned a pass and the door opened. I couched down going through the door because it was freaking small.

"Um where do I go?"

She pointed left and I just did as shown. People looked at me weirdly as they haven't seen me before. I went into the room that Dani told me to go into.

I smiled and released her on the couch with a laugh. Lauren came in quickly behind the girls with a slightly frown.

I stopped laughing and walked over to her and wrapped one of our fingers together as I pulled her out of the room.

I laughed and dragged her go a quiet and lonely place in the venue. I placed my back against the wall and she stood a foot or 2 infront of me.

"What's wrong Lauren?"

She sighed and looked down "I miss us Asher. I miss what we had and everything. I miss being able to be in your arms. I can't get over you. God it's been like 4 months and all I can do is think about you. And now our break up video is all over the world."

I looped a finger around my old black jeans belt loop that looked so much better on her. I pulled her closer and smile down at her. The red in her stripped long sleeve brought out her brown eyes.

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