you need to leave..

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"You need to leave Christian"

He shoves open the door and played with his hair. "C. won't sell me anymore. You know i need them"

I rolled my eyes and went to go switch through shows on Netflix. Christian grabbed the remote causing me to stand up and look down at him

"You're out of control Christian."

He rolls his eyes and went for my phone. I shoved him back and his eyes darkened.

"I need them Asher. The same way you need Lauren. Get me the pills"

He tries again but I push him back again. He charges towards me and tackles me to the ground. He starts going after my face and spits in my face. I felt metallic blood quickly pour down my face into my mouth.

I flipped him over and sat on him. He kept punching my side's and face so I grabbed my old shirt off of my couch and gripped his arms together.

I tried it together at the wrist. That didn't completely stop him from swinging around and elbowing me in my side's but it would do.

I grabbed my phone and called Christina, as the ringing slowly went off.

"Hey ash what's up?"

I groan as Christian swings and elbows me again. "Get here now. Bring your mum and dad. Hurry"

She hung up without saying another word as Christian started yelling to let him go.

I send Troye a text to get over now.

I kept getting kneed in the back and a causal elbow to my face or side. His yelling got louder and almost word salad like.

I got my shoulder jerked by a females hand but I stayed over Christian.

"Close the door now. Someone stay in front of it, someone go hide the knifes."

I heard sounds moving until Christian yelling got louder. "Let me fucking go Serna!"

A elbow to my raw side hurt deeply but I held my grip. I didn't know who was here so I kept my head down. I heard that it was done but Christian started getting more aggressive, "Mike get his hands"

I saw Mike grab Christians hands tightly, I made my way down to Christians pockets and grabbed everything out. A pack of cigarettes, a empty bag with a X on it, a pocket knife, and 2 lighters.

I throw them off to the side and move right over Christian's face. "Stop."

He spits up in my face. I grab his face in both hand to make him look at me. "Stop fighting Christian it's okay. Look at me"

He kept his eyes closed and yelled louder. I knew he was scaring the girls and I needed to stop that.

"Christian! You're scaring your mother! Drugs aren't worth giving that woman pain. Now fucking look at me right fucking now"

His pupils shrunk and he relaxed under me. I look to Mike to let go of his hands. Mike looked scared looking at my face.

I stand up and for the first time look at everyone in my house.

Mike, Lynne, Christina, Lauren, Lisa, and Troye.

I look down at Christian, his eyes slowly closing. I walked and grabbed 3 towels, I dampened them in cold water and placed the on his forehead, neck, and on one of his wrist.

"Withdraw. Xanax."

Mike sat down next to Christian as he held his hand. Christians finger wrapped around one of his.

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