born to die

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Luckily for me it was a 3 day weekend, which I completely forgot about. Which meant I would most defiantly be spending it with Lauren unless something happened. I already finished editing their video for today, and told Christina to text me if anything goes wrong.

Lauren and I both went to go shower, at different time. I let her go first because she needed to call her parents or something like that. I got out as she was on the phone with who I was guessing was her mum.

I was only in my salmon colored, low thigh dress short trousers and a sports bra. I crawled onto my netly made bed and kissed her cheek while I lent back onto my white pillows. I let my eyes roam over Lauren outfit, my old gray thrasher hoodie, black jeans and some gray air force 1 on the side of the bed that I knew she was going to end up wearing.

She looked amazing honestly, I also just love her in my clothes so. She turned around and smiled at me before pecking my lips, then laying between my legs and on my stomach.

She kept talking with her mom as I laid there and played with her locks. She looked up at me when I'm guessing her mother left the phone for a second and kissed my lips lightly, placing her hand on my jaw to keep me there.

She broke the kiss and smiled up at me, I mouthed that she looked beautiful and her cheeks redden. To think I still had this effect on her also 2 months made my heart flutter.

She started talking to her mother again as I began to nip at her neck, leaving slight marks starting from the bottom of her ear to the top of her collarbone. She hit my thigh a few time telling me she wasn't extremely happy about it, but we both knew she liked being marked.

I grinned slightly and kissed her temple before sliding out from behind her. I looked in my closet before grabbing a white button up dress shirt before putting on slip on my all white vans.

I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram before selecting a picture on my phone from a couple nights ago. I couldn't help but smile down at my phone looking at the picture.

 I couldn't help but smile down at my phone looking at the picture

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👥 @laurencim

this girl. she's my world. no everything isn't always perfect in our relationship, but that makes it so. natural. with her the little things matter. the way her eyes lights up when she talks passionately about something, or the times we would just sit and talk. and the hours of just sitting in each others presents. the little things fucking matter. and that's what you guys never see. the way we love each other will never be for you guys to pick apart. but for us to experience within ourselves. she is my love. and i couldn't ask for a better one.

My finger hovered over the post button until I finally got the nerve to post it. I saw the amount of love and hate coming in but for once it was most love. I smiled to myself and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

I just laid on the foot of my bed as Lauren finally got off the phone with her mother and scrolled through her feed. I watched as her scrunched up her eyebrows and started scrolling faster until she hit the home button and went to what I was guessing my post.

Her smile widden and she suddenly threw her phone off to the side and straddled my waist before placing her face into my neck. I felt her smile on my neck and I placed my hands on the small of her back.

I run my fingers up and down her back, underneath the hoodie she is wearing. She kissed the side of my neck a multitude of times and mumbled that's she loved me. She absolutely was sure of how to make my heart flutter.

"What is this amazing affection for?"

"Don't act like you don't know"

"I do know but I just love hearing you talk, is that wrong of me?" I flipped us over making sure not to crush her head and I kissed her lips lightly.

She pushed her hands on my forearms to 'help' keep me up, even if all it did was make want lay on her even more.

"Come on

I climbed off of her and picked her up quickly, as she squealed and wrapped her legs around my waist with her arms around my neck.

I placed her down finally and ran back to grab the shoes and my keys. I tied her shoes for her and I saw her take a picture of me doing it. She kissed my head and I giggled a bit before grabbing her hips and spinning her around and standing up.

I locked my door as we left my apartment and I drove us threw a drive thru. We order so food and headed over to her house, against my wishes.

I knew she needed to talk to her parents because she has been away from them for so long. I parked on the sidewall just in case someone needed to leave, so it wouldn't be difficult.

I entered after Lauren, and made sure to keep my head love just in case if Christian was there. Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch where her mother was sat at with Joey.

I sat next to Joey and sent him a small smile as he wave at me, I took that as a good sign. Lauren was eating and talking to her mother as I already finished so I was sat playing on my phone.

"Hey Asher? Would you like to play with me?" I looked up and saw Joey was handing another one of his controllers for his PlayStation. I placed my phone on the couch and and took the controller swiftly.

"Sure buddy" I didn't hesitate to play Fifa 15 with him as his smile spread with my answer. I let him score a few easy goals on me that could be easily defend and pretended to get mad by taking off my hat and putting up my hair in a bun.

I let him win by two 6-4 and groaned throwing my back against the couch as we both were intensely into the game. "Man you have to teach me how to play"

"Haha well if you come over more often then maybe you can get better" I rolled my eyes at the kids sass but also hope.  "You'll have to ask your sister about that, but I know I'd kick your butt if we'd play in real life"

I looked over at Lauren and she looked at like she was in awe, she seemed surprised that I was bonding with Joey so well. "You really think you are going to be better at soccer then me?"

"Its pronounced Foòtball Joey where in from, and yes I really do think, I got about 7 extra years on you" I patted his head and buttoned up my shirt as I saw him looking at the scar below my collarbone. "What was that?"

"Uh that's what you get when bad people use even worst things to affect how your life"

"Are you a bad person?"

"You could say that. But your sister finds something in her heart to love me, even if I may be one"

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now