love and fights

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3rd person POV

To say Lauren and Asher were doing good would be a understatement. Asher was doing anything to keep Lauren happy and Lauren was trying her best to keep Asher's name out of the press. Their relationship has been a secret for over a month and that's more than either of them expected.

Asher's temper and Lauren's status both got them in places where neither of them wanted. They tried, which suprised both the sisters and themselves. No poor soul has been killed by Asher's anger because of Lauren, and Asher was keeping Lauren sane with the rumors and the article about her.

Lauren didn't know that during the small and dreaded time apart that Asher was making a song for her. It wasn't perfect but it was slowly coming along and with what Asher knew what was going to happen sooner rather than later, she had to express her feelings somehow.

The pressure of change did affect both of them in ways they never would speak of. Fans knew of Lauren's 'secret girlfriend' and some suspected it was Asher. Neither of them commented on it but they definitely stop the fans for thinking they knew. Many articles has already tried to point Asher out as agressive and unhealthy for Lauren. Which unfortunately Troye had told her about, and Asher tried her best not to get involved with anyone in public.

Asher was involved in the Cimorelli fanbase but not the fame involved in the fanbase. She was on the outside still, but it didn't feel like was going to be like that too long. Lauren did feel bad, extremely. It ate her up inside that she had to put someone in this situation. Asher was saying she was okay with it but she knew somewhere that it still wasn't completely fine with her. She wanted a relationship in which they could hold hands and not be photographed by paparazzi, or had to basically hide the relationship.

Lauren was falling for her, and anybody could see that. All of her friends knew that, and they tried to tell her that it wasn't going to end well for her, telling her she was only going to get played. But honestly Christina was the only sister or friend who knew Asher was falling as well. Christina heard the late night facetimes and saw the small smiles that broke across her face when Lauren wasn't looking, she noticed the looking at her hand in public. She saw that, that girl really was falling for Lauren, the same way she fell for Nick.

Asher knew that she was going to love this girl a one point. It didn't matter if they we're supposed to be together or the world were completely against them at that moment, she knew she was going to love her. It was inevitable that it was going to be one of her worst heartbreaks in if something happened.

If something happened between them she knew her heart would be slightly broken beyond anyone's repair. But Asher couldn't distance herself, no she was in too deep at this point to go back. No like she would want to anyways, she wanted Lauren. She was falling for Lauren, and fast.

Asher POV

I knew what Lauren was doing. Her work was very strategical, and if Troye didn't tell me about my reputation already, I wouldn't have known about why she's been very defensive about me. And if I was being completely honest I felt like I didn't show her how much I appreciate her. Like this whole relationship is on the down low because of me, and I know it.

Maybe in the beginning she wanted it that way but I see the way she acts when people are around. I see when she looks at my eyes then my lips because I do the same thing. Even with her defense manners she still was acting a little different, and it was because of her fucking friends.

I've heard the conversation and seen the texts, it's lead me to leave out of the Cimorelli household quite furious. And it's lead me here, as I lean up the doorway entrance looking left into the living room. Feeling goosebumps run up my arm as I knew the sane fucking friends she kept around said the same things. "She isn't right for the fame, she doesn't want it either"

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