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After shopping and arguing about if high top or low top vans are better. We finally got done shopping, not without the multiple stops of people freaking out about seeing Lauren. But finally we made it out of the last store, making our way to the exit.

"Oh frick" I looked at the door, seeing probably over 40 people with camera being pushed out of the plaza.

"fuck." I bit my lip as I saw her breathing quicken.

"hey look at me, don't worry about them you have to deal with them on a daily basis. It will be fine, I promise nothing will happen to you" I had her face in my hands as she tried to control her breathing.

Flipping up her hood and handing her my sunglasses as I already could see they where fucking bright. I opened the door for her as words came everywhere. Having my arm protectively across her she lent into me as I keep my head down and push people out of the way.

Someone grabbed onto Lauren arm which quickly made me stop moving. "Let go of her" I stepped in between then not wanting this guy near Lauren.

"Hey I'm trying to get to princess there can you move" the paparazzi said, pushing me out of the way.

"Dude I told you to let go of her," keeping my temper as I pulled the guys hand off of Lauren's hand but feeling the direct impact of him hitting with the side of his camera.

"Don't test the paparazzi we get what we want" he said then ran from the crowed.

Wrapping my arms back around Lauren and pushing her to my car not caring that my eyebrow way dripping out blood. After what happened most of the paparazzi backed off and just took pictures from afar but some still followed. Opening my car door for Lauren and closing it, walking around to the other side not commenting on what they where saying. Climbing in my seat Lauren looked over and started freaking out after seeing what the crazed paparazzi did.

"What the hell Asher why did you let him do that to your face! Your going to probably need stitches!" Pulling out of the parking lot after honking at them for a few times.

"I really didn't just say 'hey wanna attack me with corner of your camera'. I just happened and I don't its just is a wide cut nothing to serious, are you okay?" I pushed tissues on my eyebrow and part of my forehead, looking over at Lauren.

"No I'm completely fine, you are a complete other story. Do you have any band aids?" I rolled up to a stop and quickly flipped down my visor to see how bad it actually was. Fuck this was definitely going to scar.

"Uh in my glovebox should be some" I looked over at her as she opened it and placed it on my cut.

"uh, thank you. really, nobody would ever do that for me before you" her eyes flicked down to her hands as she messed with them.

"well they should, your worth it" I reached over and grabbed her hand and interlaced our hands together.

"so it time for your concert isn't it?" looking down at my clock on my dashboard and seeing that it was 4:39.

"Well the concert is at 8 but we have to get ready and do sound check and everything like that" I nodded my head as I gave her my phone and told her to put in where I needed to drive her.

I saw that a Starbucks was on the way and fuck did I need some coffee. Pulling in and pulling out my wallet, looking over at Lauren.

"What do you want?" I asked pulling out my credit card.

"you don't have get me anything" she blushed as I grabbed her hand again.

"well your getting something, so what do you want?"

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now