the concert.

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(so basically just pretend they didn't have the sad girls club songs during this tour, ight good. also don't forget that they are much bigger in this story then in real life, sadly. they deserve better. also sorry for such a delayed update but this is more than 5,000 words)

My hand slowly starting sweating as I twisted open the door for Lauren and I. Everyone in the room looked over at us and stopped, blinking but not staying a word.

"Wow" the tall green eyed beauty said, looking over at me as I just laughed and looked over at Lauren who was rolling her at her and put her arm around my waist.

"so you must be the one we have hear so little but questioned so much about" the girl in a blue hat and red tee shirt stated as she started walking towards me.

"we not going to ask why the mysterious beauty has a large band aid across eyebrow?"

"uh a paparazzi kind of hit me with the corner of their camera" I coughed a little as I wasn't expecting my first interaction with them to be with a fucking large bandaid across my face and a bad hair.

"sorry I looked bad we kind of around in the rain, she always looks good. Sadly wasn't blessed with those genetics"

"oh my gosh her has an accent" the green eyed girl started fanning herself as I started putting names to people. Looking at the girl with the guitar and knowing it was Amy from Lauren saying we would get along quite nicely because our passion in guitars.

Flicking my eyes over to the tall girl in a blouse and blue jeans and remembering that Lauren told me that Katherine looked as motherly as possible. Changing to the girl in the hat that I would admit was beautiful, which they all where. She was tricky because I didn't know much about Christina or Lisa physically. But guessing from her motherly glares at between me and Lauren I'm going to say it Christina. Looking at the girl who had nice green eyes, nothing compared to Lauren's but nice eyes, who I knew was Dani because she was the one Lauren told me the most about. That left me with the girl doing her makeup in mirror, who was actually doing her eyebrows right now who I guess it was Lisa as my options were limited.

"no really?" Lauren sarcastic comment back at Dani to make me snicker at her response.

"no need to be rude" Dani threw a water bottle at Lauren which I quickly grabbed with one hand and placed it on the table beside Lauren.

"Wow Lauren picked an athletic and a attractive one!" I turned to who I'm pretty sure is Lisa and smiled.

"I also have a 4.46 gpa and I'm the highest in my class." I flashed my pearly whites at her as Lauren raised her eyebrows at her new found information.

"well parents would definitely approved" I smiled at Amy and mouthed a thanks as that definitely did some unnerving of me.

"How athletic are you" turning to Dani with a furrowed brow, she flexed her arms pretending like she was weak.

Laughing at how weird these girls are I placed my drink down and ask Lauren to hold down my shirt. I took off my hoodie and let my arms dangle their for a second before running my hand through it.

"Oh wow she definitely strong she just had like 16 muscles flex by just running her hand through her hair, Lauren how did you get so lucky?" I giggled nervously as I pushed up my short sleeves to make a tank top like I normally do with my softball jersey.

"Honestly I'm the lucky on, I know she's your sister but have you seen her? Also her personality is freaking amazing and she is so educated like I could go on for hours" I quickly flexed as all the girl stopping what they where doing and stared.

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