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Asher's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I felt Laurens back against my front, no we didn't do anything like that ya nasties. I removed my arms and slowly rolled out of the bed, I grabbed some black skinny jeans an put those on before leaving the room. I didn't want to wake her up, she looked to perfect to mess with her beauty sleep.

I didn't care about putting on a shirt because it wasn't to cold and I had a sports bra on. I went to my band room and picked up the mess from yesterday finally which took me admit 30 minutes, but I couldn't deal with the mess anymore.

I went into the kitchen and started making avocado toast with bacon and coffee for Lauren and me. I was cooking when I felt Lauren cone and wrap her arms around me "why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked to peaceful to wake up"

I felt her kiss my shoulder blade and rest her forehead on my shoulder and she looked at the ground. "Your too cute" I turned my head around and kissed her temple.

"Hey, so my parents and brothers are coming back this moring, and my parents really want to meet you as soon as possible. So would you be comfortable with coming to dinner with my family tonight."

I really thought it would be have been a hard question for me to answer but it didn't seem like one. "I would love to meet them, tell them I'll be open to anytime today. If it's later this week it might be harder with school but I'll make whatever work"

"Really baby?" Lauren turned me around by my waist and turn off the stove, "yes I'm being serious, I would love to meet the people who created such an amazing person. Also it will make you happy." I pushed her chin up using to fingers and kissed her before she could kiss me.

"You are the only the person who I haven't had to continuously ask days after days about meeting my parents" she said as smile broke out across her face, reaching the edge of her face.

"I'm not like other people"

Winking before I turned around and finished our food. I plated it and placed it in front of her, as she was now sitting at my barstools. I placed it over to her and gave her, her coffee.

"Wow a hot, singing, chef, softball playing girlfriend, with great style, how did I get so lucky?"

"I don't know I'm a catch"

Lauren laughed and threw a piece of paper at me that was next to her. I grabbed it and threw it back at her as it hit her forehead, I giggled and pecked it as she pouted.

"Your such a teddybear" she ran her thumb under my jaw as she gave me a small smile.

"Only to you"

"I know and it's so amazing, gosh"

"Don't overuse your power over me, that will just become rude"

She wink as I started cleaning and she insisted to help, even if I came up with every excuse to not have her help. She helped put up dishes and I cleaned of the counter. I came up behind her and hugged her waist tightly, while tucking my face into her hair.

"Your natural hair will always be my favorite. You could change the colors or whatever and this will forever be my favorite." I pulled her to my couch and had her lay her head on my lap.

I started running my fingers through it almost as of was natural, like it was made for me to do this. She just smiled up at me as I just watched stress release from her shoulders.

We stayed like this for about 20 minutes until Lauren sat up and pulled me into my room. I giggled at her random burst of energy but still went with it. "My parents want to meet you tonight"

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now