The Third Sugg

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It was 4am and I was still sitting up in bed scrolling through Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Wattpad, YouTube and numerous other sites. I had little to no social life outside of my four bedroom walls; give me the internet or a good book over social interaction any day. When my sister Zoe hired me, with pay may I add, I became not only her sister but her producer, editor, personal assistant and social media consultant. Oh I should probably mention that my sister has one of the most popular YouTube channels, Zoella, yes the one and only.

I bet you didn't know she had a younger sister.You know her brother Joe Sugg or ThatcherJoe as he goes by on his channel but I bet you didn't know that Joe had a twin, me. Alice Sugg but they both called me 'A' after my obsession with a certain popular TV show. The reason you don't know me is because I've chosen to stay out of the spotlight which shines brightly over my siblings. I preferred to lurk in the shadows and around the outskirts, my presence was felt but you never saw me.

Joe started his own channel after appearing in a few of Zoe's videos and quickly found himself amongst the popular British YouTube channels. He was funny and all out there while I was the stark opposite. I was shyer and socially awkward around people hence the social isolation I put myself through. Joe and Zoe both asked me to appear in their videos but I always refused, preferring to stay behind the camera where my true skills lay.

When Joe found out what I was doing for Zoe he got annoyed and accused her of using me because I was never able to say no to either of my siblings. I defended Zoe saying I didn't mind because it was what I loved doing. Joe didn't speak to me or Zoe for a week but after that we all made up and Joe somehow persuaded me to help him keep his own fanbase under control.

Zoe and Joe both called me the Tumblr queen, because I had my finger on the pulse of all their tags and mentions across all the social media sites. But Tumblr was where I dominated the most. My Tumblr addiction started with TV shows such as Pretty Little Liars, Doctor Who, Sherlock and Adventure Time, I had a blog dedicated to each fandom.

Only when Zoe started gaining more subscribers and followers did I move over to the YouTube Tumblr community. And after a year or two I wasn't to be messed with. I might be 5'5 and look innocent but this cat has claws and knows how to use them. If you were to go against me on Tumblr you might as well kiss your online presence goodbye because I had my own army of loyal subjects.

Even though I was Joe's twin I looked a lot more like Zoe, we both had long brown hair and big blue eyes which we easily used to our advantage whenever we wanted something. Everyone said that our best feature was our eyes and we both had to agree. We use to be able to trick people into believing that we were the other person and the majority of the time people and some family members fell for it. But that was all we shared because we each had our own individual styles.

Zoe was always stunning no matter what time of day it was, she was a beauty guru after all. But it was her cute and dainty wardrobe selection that made me gag. Joe mocked me that I dressed and acted more like a guy than a girl. But I was confident in my tomboy appearance, I didn't have millions of people to please day in day out.

I was most happy in a pair of sweats and my Totoro hoodie rather than a dress, of course I probably could look stunning if I tried but trying to get makeup on me was a challenge, which Zoe had accepted and refused to back down from.

A few strands of pink hair fell out of my messy bun and tickled my nose taking me by surprise. I had the same length hair as Zoe but she kept hers straight while I left mine naturally curly. I really had a mixture of Joe's and Zoe's hair colour but I got bored and had the ends dyed hot pink just because I felt like I was giving myself an individual style that set me apart from my siblings.

Put the three of us in a lineup and I would be picked as the odd one out. I owned an account on every social media site and even though I was a Sugg, whenever I commented on Twitter or any other site fans called me a fake for having my last name as Sugg. If only they knew that @ASugg was in fact their idols sister I bet they would quickly change their tune just to please my crazy internet famous siblings.

I always prided myself on being different and unique. I didn't want to be mainstream, sure the majority of my friends resided on the internet and we weekly Skyped and did the occasional Google Hangout but they were friends with me because I was Alice. They weren't pretending to be my friends just to get close to my family. I hated knowing that I could easily have hundreds maybe even thousands of new friends overnight, but that each one of them would be fake.

As I refreshed all my open tabs one last time and a yawn escaped me I came across a new tweet from Dan Howell or Danisnotonfire, it looked like I wasn't the only one still awake and on Tumblr.

@Danisnotonfire: if I could live on Tumblr for the rest of my life I would, love finding early morning Adventure Time GIFs

He had shared a link to a Tumblr blog, it took my mind a few seconds to catch up with my eyes. He was on my Tumblr blog 'LetsBeStupidForever'. I found it hard to conceal the squeal that had formed in my throat as not to wake and scare my sister who was sleeping in the room next door. My favourite Youtuber second only to Zoe read my Adventure Time blog.

Before I knew what I was doing I had clicked favourite and composed a reply. This wasn't like me to actually physically reply to one of my idols, yes he was just a normal person like my brother and sister but he was the normal person who I'd been following for the last four years. Yes I really was that dedicated, I was a fan girl so sue me.

@ASugg: @Danisnotonfire thanks for liking my humble little blog

I clicked send before I could talk myself out of it and watched as I became the first favourite and reply. Okay that was enough excitement for one night, or was it technically morning? who cares either way I needed my beauty sleep. Haha like I needed to sleep the recommended seven to eight hours to look beautiful, no one ever saw me so there no need for me to be refreshed. Besides my family and close friends were use to my night owl patterns and didn't question my appearance or mood.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now