Brighton Blues

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Since that fan posted the picture of Dan and I kissing, Tumblr blew up as did almost every social media site I was on. People and danasaurs alike wanted to see my face; they wanted to know the name of the girl who had stolen Dan away from them.

As soon as Zoe and I got back to Brighton I knew I had to get rid of the pink hair, as anyone with a brain could put two and two together. I went an even darker shade of brown, I had more layers put in and blue tips replaced the pink. I didn't know how I was going to break the news to Louise.

I broke the news via Skype. She understood why I had to change my hair but made me promise that when things returned to normal I had to bring the pink back for her. I loved Louise and she loved me like another daughter, Darcy loved my hair and said she wanted to look just like me.

'A, I'm popping around to Alfie's for tea, do you want to come? Marcus and Niomi will be there.'

Zoe popped her head around my bedroom door to ask me, she had been nothing but supportive after she apologised for the list. She blamed herself for pushing Dan at me as she never expected him to kiss me.

'I'm good here sis, thanks for the invite though. I might take my camera out later and take some pictures down at the beach.'

I didn't want to be the fifth wheel on their obvious double date. Besides I hadn't taken any photos in a long time and Brighton at dusk was beautiful. Zoe's face lit up when I mentioned possibly leaving the flat for the first time in four days since having my hair done.

'You should take your camera out A. You always did take stunning photographs.'

Zoe had been laying on the support and enthusiasm a little bit too heavily, I understood she was just trying to be nice but it was driving me around the bend. We had no arguments and whenever we were offered a choice she would choose mine, I was sick of it.

Alfie told me yesterday that I should just let her run her course as did Marcus and Niomi. Joe on the other hand was still in a mood with Zoe over the entire situation. He had gone into protective brother mode and I wasn't complaining.

When I had gotten back to the flat on Sunday evening Joe was the first to comfort me. Zoe seemed pleased at first with the results and stated that no one saw my face and what was wrong with being announced as the third Sugg? Joe lost his cool then and told Zoe that unlike the two of them I wasn’t made to have the spotlight put on me and Joe was more than happy to keep me out of it.

Caspar took me away from their bickering and I spent the night in his room, we didn’t do anything, we just messed around and I got a second beanie out of it.


I really hoped that Alice actually went out tonight; a part of me knew she only said that to get me off her back. I know that I’d been smothering her the last few days but I was her big sister and I had done something wrong and needed to fix the mess I started.

Alice doesn’t know that after Joe and I stopped arguing I went into their spare room and called Dan, Phil answered and I explained that I wanted to talk to Dan but Phil said that Dan wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone especially me. Phil understood that I was just trying to play cupid but he put the sense in me that it was only up to Dan and Alice if their romance went anywhere.

Dan’s Tumblr and Twitter lit up like the fourth of July, he had loyal danasaurs and they had now made it their mission in life to find out the identity of Alice, and although some shipped them together there was a large majority who said they would make her life hell for taking Dan away from them.

I didn’t want to see my sister hurt over this, but I had no clue how to fix this mess. Alfie said I just needed to let Alice handle this as she knew more about fan girls then I did, I agreed but I still took it upon myself to try and filter out the hate she was receiving. She believed that I didn’t know her Tumblr or Twitter details but I did, so she would never see some of the more hurtful comments.

After three days of doing that it made me sick to the core that people could be so cruel to someone they didn’t even know. I now knew how Alice must feel when she deals with my fans as well as the Zalfie fans; I never see any hate because I have the best little sister in the world.


I waited twenty minutes after Zoe left before I found the energy to put some clothes on and grab my camera. The evening air was still warm so I wore a pair of cut off shorts, a t-shirt with the different stages of Eevee’s evolution on and my trusty red converse. I didn’t bother to put my hair up so I just left it loose, no one was going to see me so a few knots weren’t going to kill me.

I knew my way around Brighton like the back of my hand, luckily Zoe’s place wasn’t too far from the beach so I didn’t have very far to walk. I had my camera dangling around my neck in case I saw the opportunity for the perfect shot.

Yes in university I studied film, TV and radio but we had to take a photography module in our final year on the film side and I found it fascinating so I took it on as a bit of a hobby. I liked going off to quiet little places that none of the tourists knew about and just take photos of random things; of course I hadn’t really done that since I began working for Zoe.

There was no one on the beach at this time of the evening and the boardwalk which ran alongside it was empty, minus a handful of couples. Above me I could hear the seagulls call to each other, they had found their meal for the evening.

I quickly turned on my camera and lined it up so that I could capture the perfect action shot. I made it so that when I clicked the button twenty photos who be taken one after the other, I would cut them into a montage with some music later.

I got the timing just right as in a matter of seconds a seagull swooped down on the boardwalk and took the ice cream off some un-expecting tourist but left the cone. It always bought a smile to my face whenever it happened.

‘Why do we always smile at other people’s misery?’

I still had the camera up so when I turned around to answer the question my heart did multiple back flips in my chest. I needed confirmation that what I was seeing in front of me was real so when the camera focused I tried my best to keep my cool.

‘I’ve never asked that question before. I’m Alice by the way.’

I let the camera rest around my neck and put my hand out towards the green eyed boy who had inspired me to make experimental short films at university. What was it with me and suddenly bumping into loads of new youtubers? He smiled and my heart melted as he shook my hand.

 ‘Call me PJ.’

I bet you weren't expecting me to introduce anyone else into this potential love square (I'm making it a thing) this early into the fic :)

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