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I got a text off Dan saying that him and Alice made up and that they were coming back to ours. Apparently according to Alice I was easy to beat at Pokémon. I was a Pokémon master; I would make sure that I won the rematch.

Chris texted me asking if him and PJ could come over to hang, but after the way they had both treated Alice earlier I didn't think it would work out especially since Dan was bringing Alice back here. I made up a lie that Dan was editing all afternoon and that I was filming a new video, it was believable.


When we both got in the lift and the doors closed Alice chuckled. I looked down at her confused which only made her laugh harder.

'We need to stop meeting in lifts Mr Howell fans might talk.'

I joined in with her laughter understanding that the last time we were in a lift together was when I kissed her and a fan took a photo.

'Well Miss Sugg I like this hair better.'

'Are you saying that you kissed me so that I would have to change my hair? Well played Dan, a normal person would have just told me to change it. I didn't know you had the brains to plan something as elaborate.'

I shook my head.

'Sarcasm becomes you Alice.'


I could hear laughter coming from the hallway in front of our flat; I wondered who could be laughing? It sounded like it was a boy and a girl, should I intrude?

I made my mind up and opened the front door only to come face to face with Dan and Alice. Well Dan tickling Alice who was trying to squirm away. She looked up at me and smiled.


Dan loosened his grip for just a second and she slid out of his hold and ran towards me. She hid behind me and poked her head around my side looking up at me with pleading eyes.

'Phil protect me.'

I looked over at Dan who was trying to play the innocent card, and then I remembered what Alice had told Dan about me being easy to beat. I stepped away from her.

'If I'm easy to beat then I'm sure you can take on Dan all by yourself.'


I scowled at Dan having lost my Phil protection barrier.

'You told him?'

Dan shrugged his shoulders, a smirk plastered on his face.

'Oops was that a secret? Maybe the two of you should have that rematch.'

Phil nodded in agreement with Dan.

'One more battle that determines who is the Pokémon Champion.'

He held his hand out to me and I shook it, this was going to be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

'You're on Phil. Shall we?'

The three of us entered the flat and made our way to the living room. Dan was the judge/rule regulator and he wasn't allowed to be bias.

Phil sat cross legged on one end of the sofa and I mirrored him on the other end, this was surprisingly tense.

'Are the two competitors ready to battle?'

Phil and I nodded in unison at Dan's question.

'Bring it on Alice.'

'Oh I intend to Phil.'

Dan chuckled and shook his head, alright so both Phil and I were crap at smack talk.

Phil was actually trying this time which made me think for just a second that I could actually lose. I couldn't have that now could I?

'Should I order pizza or something guys?'

Dan had been asking us questions for the last five minutes or so, Phil and I had been battling for around half an hour, we were doing best two out of three. I won the first battle and then Phil slipped in and took the second one from under my nose.

'Yeah sure Dan order pizza I'm nearly done beating her.'

My mouth dropped open at Phil's comment, was he implying that he was confident that he could end me once and for all. I shook my head and stared daggers at Phil who only laughed at me. Oh it was on.

'Don't worry Dan this game is done anyways.'

Phil shot me a confused look before scanning his screen, the colour drained from his face. I mega evolved my Blastoise and ended his Weedle somehow; I actually wasn't expecting that move to win me the game.

I threw my 3DS down and threw my arms in the air and cheered.

'You can both call me the Pokémon Champion.'


Phil put his head in his hands. Dan was obviously torn between the two of us, he chose to pat Phil on the back. I had a fan girl moment.

'Phan is real.'

Dan turned and chucked a cushion at my head and like a fool I went to dodge and ended up falling off the sofa. Both Dan and Phil howled with laughter.

'So are we getting pizza or not guys?'

Phil pulled out a Domino's menu from somewhere and Dan had the number ready to call, wow these guys must eat a lot of pizza.

It felt nice, this felt good. I had missed Phil and Dan, I'd be sad to go back to Brighton in a few days, I was seriously going to miss London.

Sorry for this filler chapter but I wanted Phil to get his rematch :)

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The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now