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When we were standing outside Joe and Caspar's front door I took a deep breath, Zoe squeezed my hand before she knocked.

The door swung open revealing a half naked Caspar, all he was wearing was a towel; he had obviously just gotten out of the shower. This was a common occurrence, ask any youtuber who knew Caspar, so neither Zoe or I were fazed.

'Two lovely ladies on my doorstep, how did this boy get so lucky? It's not my birthday is it?'

Zoe and I both laughed before pushing past Caspar so we could enter the flat.

'Where's Joe?'

Caspar closed the door before answering Zoe's question about our brother's whereabouts.

'Upstairs editing most likely, now excuse me ladies while I put some clothes on.'

Zoe grabbed my hand and began dragging me up the stairs to where the living room/kitchen was. I looked desperately at Caspar over my shoulder but all he did was smirk and mouth 'good luck' before going into his bedroom.

'Zoe let go of my hand I'm not a baby.'

She didn't release my hand until we were stood on the top floor of the flat. I rubbed my hand because it hurt.

'Well twin you are technically the youngest out of the three of us.'

I lifted my head up and stared daggers at my twin.

'You're older by two minutes.'

Joe smirked at my bitter reply before he threw his arms around me and engulfed me in one of his famous bear hugs.

Zoe stood back smiling like the Cheshire Cat as if this was all her doing, well technically I'd be back in Brighton if she hadn't invited me along.

'I'm sorry sis for snapping at you.'

I nodded and placed my head in the nook of his shoulder.

'Zoe explained everything and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with me talking about the Jasper ship.'

All we did after the brief exchange was hug, we both knew we didn't have to say anything more because we had both forgiven each other.

'Yay my two little babies have made up.'

Joe and I moved away from each other, both with smiles on our faces. We would recognise Louise's voice anywhere.


I ran into her open arms and threw my arms around her, we didn't get to see each other as often as we would have liked to, I know Zoe felt the same.

'I'm loving the pink Alice, reminds me of someone else I know.'

My pink was a little brighter than hers but she was the reason why I picked the colour in the first place.

'She must have good taste.'

'Alice stop hogging my chummy.'

Zoe pouted and pulled me away from Louise before putting herself in my spot. Joe pulled me towards him and ruffled my hair.

'Caspar and I have been thinking A.'

I raised a single eyebrow in Caspars direction as he had just joined us. Someone else was also coming up the stairs behind him.

'Isn't that dangerous for both of your health.'

Joe flicked my ear.

'You managed Zalfie pretty well; will you accept the challenge of taming the Jasper fans?'

I turned around to face my twin just as a sixth person joined us. Caspar came to stand by Joe and just nodded.

'We need your Tumblr skills.'

I couldn't help but smirk, Jasper was asking me for help after all the trouble it had caused between me and my twin.

'Well for my third and seventh favourite youtubers I'll be reasonable.'

Caspar's mouth dropped open.

'Seventh, I'm only your seventh favourite. Who's ahead of me apart from Joe and Zoe?'

'Third, I understand Zoe being your first but I'm your twin, who beat me to second?'

Joe cut Caspar off mid sentence; they both seemed annoyed with their ranking. Oh I was going to have so much fun with this.

'I could tell you but that would take all the fun out of this.'

Behind me I heard Zoe and Louise giggle.

'You tell them girl.'

Zoe loved being my number one spot and Louise knew she claimed spot number six.

Behind Zoe and Louise someone coughed. I turned around to face said person and my heart stopped beating in my chest. This couldn't be happening; this had to be a dream. Danisnotonfire couldn't possibly be in my twins flat could he?

I watched as Dan looked me up and down. He smirked and my heart melted, he made anything look sexy.

'You said those exact same words to me on Twitter a week ago when you told me I was your second favourite youtuber.'

Everyone in the room was looking between the two of us as if they were trying to figure out how we apparently knew each other when we had never met in person before. Then Joe piped up.

'Really he beat me, he's not even related to you.'

Dan shot me a confused look as I silenced Joe with my eyes.


Oh I had the upper ground now. I took a step towards him and put out my hand.

'I'm Alice Sugg, Zoe's my older sister and Joe's my twin brother. Come on Dan the clue was in my Twitter handle ASugg.'

The look on his face was priceless, if only I had my phone out of my bag I would have captured this moment.

'How can there be another Sugg? I mean I've never heard of you before.'

I put down my hand; it was obvious that Dan wasn't going to shake it.

'Unlike my siblings I prefer to be behind the camera, that's why I've never been in any of their videos. I didn't lie Dan, I am socially awkward I just didn't want fake followers who were trying to get to Zoe or Joe.'

Dan nodded in understatement.

'Your loyal subjects were a tough match for my danasaurs.'

I laughed.

'Don't you guys have a One Direction to go to?'

As if my words had awakened everyone from a trance, everyone began milling around Dan and myself as we just stood looking at each other. Dan put his hand out.

'Let's try this again, I'm Dan Howell.'

I shook his hand and beamed him a smile.

'I'm Alice Sugg otherwise known as LetsBeStupidForever a.k.a Tumblr Queen.'

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now