Twin Mischief

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I had been in London 2 days and hadn't heard a word off PJ or even a phone call off Phil. Something was stirring in that camp and I didn't like not knowing.

Today was the day I was going penny boarding with Jack, Finn and a few of their friends. I had made sure to charge my camera because I intended to document the day. Finn had finally gotten himself a new phone and said that he and Jack would like to discuss something with me.

'Joe I'm off but I'll see you tonight.'

Joe popped his head over the stairs and smiled down at me with a goofy grin.

'Of course for our Sugg movie night, the best kind of movie night.'

I hadn't seen a lot of Joe these last couple of days; he had quite a few meetings for upcoming projects so we had only really spoken briefly. Caspar was going out again with the girl who he still refused to tell Joe and I her names. So Joe and I had the flat to ourselves and we planned on going crazy.

Zoe had been keeping quiet which was unusual; she had even given me the week off editing and managing her account. I believe she is also up to something but Alfie and Marcus refuse to tell me anything. I might try Tanya or Louise later.


Jack had gone ahead to meet up with the others, we were hanging out with Louis, Steve and Ben. They seemed cool with Alice but they still didn't know her last name so hopefully Jack would take care of that before Alice and I arrived. I expected Louis to be the most surprised since he had done videos with both of her siblings, but Ben and Steve were mutual parties so hopefully they wouldn't care if she was a Sugg or not.

Steve and Louis were down for the day and Jack and I had been working with Ben on his YouTube series 'Becoming YouTube', let's just say angel wings are itchy and something I wouldn't be wearing again anytime soon. Jack had said that I needed to calm down, apparently every time he mentioned Alice's name I would act like a hyper child. Please I was the responsible twin.

I didn't have to wait long before I saw Alice weave her way through the thick London crowds. She saw me and waved, I waved back. My god she looked beautiful, she had changed her hair so that it was now multiple shades of blue which she had left loose so that it bounced on her shoulders as she moved. She was wearing a navy skater skirt with a light blue blouse tucked into the skirt and a pair of bright green converse, most likely trying to offset all the blue.

'Finn it feels like forever since I last saw you in person.'

She threw her arms around me and hugged me; I hugged her back lingering a little longer than was necessary. I just wanted to hold this girl in my arms. She had a backpack which her pink penny board was attached to, mine rested by my feet.

We pulled away from each other.

'A girl who penny boards, marry me Alice.'

I placed my hand over my heart for dramatic effect and she just laughed.

'You'll have to wine and dine me first Mr Harries.'

She playfully pushed me in the shoulder but I could clearly make out the blush which was forming on her cheeks, it was cute. She hadn't outright rejected my offer which had to be a good sign for the future.

'Shall we head to the park my fair lady?'

She nodded; I got on my penny board and waited for her to unclip hers before we both set off down the pavement towards the park.


It was nice penny boarding with other people, sure Marcus and Alfie had given it a go but I didn't get to do it much outside of London. Caspar had joined me a couple of times and we were both trying to persuade my twin to get one and join the cool crowd. It was common knowledge that nearly every youtuber who lived in London owned one, that's why you always saw them in their vlogs.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now