Movie Night

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I had made sure that all my emails had been replied to, that I had all my filming and editing out of the way so that nothing could come between mine and Alice's movie night. Zoe use to be in on these but since she never came up to London that often and I never really went to Brighton it looked like we would have two Suggs out of three.

I hadn't seen much of Alice since she had come to stay, sure we spoke over meals but I was always out during the day and coming back late when she was already asleep.

While she'd been out with the twins I had made sure to get a selection of our favourite films along with popcorn and junk food, which would surely keep us up all night. I had a feeling that tonight was going to be good.

Caspar was going on another date with his mystery lady; Alice had told me that Caspar had told her that he wouldn't give us a name unless the first date went well. He had also fed me the same story, but this was the second date so the first must have gone well. Another reason we were having this movie night was because Caspar had told me he probably wouldn't be coming back to the flat tonight.

I would get the name out of Caspar by any means possible. I was his roommate and best friend; I think that gave me some right to know. Maybe Alice would have better luck if I failed my mission. Alice and I had this creepy twin sense thing where we didn't need to talk to know what the other one was thinking.

'Joe can we watch Tangled first? Pretty please.'

I rolled my eyes at Alice who was standing in the kitchen area batting her eyelashes at me; I couldn't take her seriously dressed in her Totoro onesie. How I knew who that was, was because when Alice came back home during her 2nd year she forced Zoe and I to watch it.

I decided to give in otherwise she'd whine through any other movie I selected. She was like Zoe in that respect, they both knew how to get what they wanted out of me.

'Fine, Tangled it is but I get to choose the next one.'

She plopped down on the sofa next to me holding a bowl of popcorn while balancing a bottle of Coke in the other hand. She rolled her eyes and threw a piece of popcorn at me.

'We'll see Joe, we'll see.'

I scoffed at my sister but all she did was smile innocently and shove a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

'So what did you do with the twins today? Alfie and Zoe already told me that you lost your vlogging virginity to PJ, imagine what you could do with twins.'

Her face blushed at my comment about doing dirty things with the twins. Alice was always easily embarrassed when it came to talking about sex and anything remotely dirty which Zoe and I always got a kick out of.

'We...didn't do...anything dirty...Joe...shut up.'

Her stutter was adorable.

'Then what did you do sis?'

She straightened up.

'We met up with Louis Cole, Steve Booker and Ben Cook. They accepted me Joe and never once compared me to you or Zoe. They treated me like I was my own person.'

That last part of her sentence stung me slightly, she was always being compared but the way she spoke about finally being accepted came across as relived. Maybe hanging out with different youtubers was good for her, maybe they could make her more confident about herself.

'Were you in any more vlogs?'

She nodded eagerly as if she had been dying for me to bring the subject up.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now