The List

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Thank you for all the love and support so far guys it means everything to me that people are actually reading my story :)

As a treat I'll be uploading two parts today instead of one (because you're all awesome) Over 600 reads and still growing - wow - xoxo



I didn't ask any questions when Dan suggested that Alice come over to ours for food before we all headed off to the station, I thought it was nice of him since he never really got to speak to her this morning. However he had been on his phone constantly all day texting someone, so I waited until he had to use the bathroom before I snuck a glance at his phone.

He had been texting Zoe but just as I was about to put his phone down a new message from Zoe popped up on screen.

ZOE: Just stick to the list I gave you, she'll be surprised trust me Dan I know my sister. Got to go and pull Finn away from Alice, that boy doesn't understand 'stay away'

Okay now I was curious, what list was Zoe talking about? And what was that last part about, had she told Finn to stay away from Alice? Whatever Dan and Zoe had planned I just knew that I had to keep an extra eye on Alice tonight, Dan would wait until I had to leave for like ten minutes and he would swoop in.

I heard the bathroom door open and quickly repositioned myself on the other end of the sofa with my laptop, Dan would be mad if he knew that I had seen Zoe's message.

'Hey Dan what should we cook tonight?'

Dan came back into the living room and grabbed his phone, he scrolled through it for a few seconds before answering me.

'How about stir fry? Zoe said that Alice likes it.'

All I did was nod, curious that Dan was going to great lengths to impress a girl he had only met for the first time today. I had never seen him act this way about anyone.

'Do we have everything to make stir fry Dan?'

Dan looked over the top of his phone, a worried expression on his face.

'I don't know Phil I haven't checked.'



Ever since we had come back from Jack and Finn's Zoe had been hassling me about tonight. I had retreated to Joe's room to get away from her, which was why I was currently lying on his bed playing Fifa with him.

'I think Zoe is trying to set you up with Dan?'

I paused the game and turned to face Joe.

'Why? I don't want her to, I love her but I don't want to feel forced into dating anyone. I like Dan and want to get there on my own.'

Joe un-paused the game.

'Don't get mad but I might have read a couple of messages to Dan from Zoe's phone earlier.'

I paused the game again, just as Joe was about to score.

'What did they say?'

Joe sighed and put down his controller before turning to face me, he had a serious look on his face.

'Dan asked Zoe to tell him some things about you and well Zoe gave him a list. I'm sorry sis but if Dan comes across as perfect then it's all Zoe's doing.'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I didn't want to believe Joe but Zoe had meddled in his love life before and ended up ruining it. I felt tears start to form.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now