Coffee Date

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The next morning I woke up tangled under blankets and Joe on the sofa, we must have both fallen asleep here last night. I snapped a photo of Joe hugging a cushion passionately and sent it to Zoe. Revenge for sending her a video of me acting like a bee, he thought he was being sneaky but I know he sent it. I didn't think to wake Joe because he had looked exhausted these last couple of days and needed all the rest he could get.

I jumped in the shower and quickly made myself presentable for the day ahead; so far I had no plans. I had received a message off Jack to watch their vlog from yesterday, so I perched myself on the kitchen counter and opened up YouTube.

Jack, Louis and Steve had all uploaded their vlogs so I watched all 3 as I made myself breakfast. It was strange watching myself on camera, especially having fun. All 3 vlogs had documented different parts of the day so when watched in a row it was like I was reliving my entire day.

I chuckled at Ben's comment about my pink board in Jack and Finn's vlog and how I should have kept the pink hair, then I told him that pink was so last month. Ben pouted and pretended to be in a mood with me but we were joking around by the end of the vlog, I was forgiven.

Louis had caught Finn and I getting close to each other, of course we were only friends and friends laughed and played around with each other in a close manner right? I wouldn't look too much into it but I wasn't so sure about the fans.

I dared myself to read some of the comments, some were nice, others were funny and some were just plain mean.

I want #Falice to be a thing

Why are Jack and Finn hanging out with an ugly bitch that should be me

#Dalice for life she's Tumblr girl, she just changed her hair even Ben noticed

#Balice they would be a good couple if she went back to having pink hair

That's the slut who was all over Dan in the lift, she needs to do everyone a favour and go kill herself

Steve and Alice should collab, I love both their styles xxx

First Dan, then PJ, now Finn and possibly Ben, this whore needs to make her mind up!

The last comment stung the most, however the viewer was kind of right. I had been photographed kissing Dan and then a few days later I'm getting up and cosy with PJ and yesterday I might have been flirting with both Finn and Ben. But that didn't make me a whore did it? Why can't a girl have multiple guy friends without having to be romantically involved with any of them?

I felt like slamming my head against the kitchen cabinets but I quickly talked myself out of it then my phone rang. I expected it to be either Jack or Finn but my breath caught in my throat when the caller ID said PJ. He had been ignoring me so why was he calling me now? I picked up out of curiosity.

'Hello PJ.'

'Hey Alice sorry I haven't been in touch but filming has been hectic.'

A smile broke out on my lips, I had forgotten that his main reason for being in London was to film, I mentally face palmed my own ignorance.

'That's no problem, I hope filming went good. Are we still going to meet up?'

I could hear another male voice in the background but couldn't place it. PJ quickly came back on the line.

'That's why I was actually calling. I'm heading into town and wanted to see if you'd fancy meeting up at the Starbucks just off of Trafalgar Square.'

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now