Curse You Blue Shell

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'Curse you blue shell.'

The last player had sent a bloody blue shell at me just as I took first place off Marcus. We were playing Mario Kart 8 at Alfie's; today was a long day of collab videos between Zoe, Alfie and Marcus. Of course I was here to help but I couldn't say no to a race or four.

Marcus cheered as my poor little Yoshi flew up in the air, he took first place and I ended up third, not even second which made me mad. I wasn't a competitive person but any Nintendo game I normally dominated. Being a sore loser ran in the family genes, never play Monopoly or Cluedo with Joe and Zoe because they'll bite your head off if they lose. It saddened me slightly that we never really played board games anymore, ah those days when we were innocent children happy when another sibling won, ah how those good old days are gone.

'Thank you computer for handing me my victory on a silver platter.'

I scowled at Marcus as he praised the other players for aiding him; he saw my scowl and he smiled brighter just to rub it in my face.

'A man has to have at least one victory Alice.'

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

'Good game Butler but if it wasn't for that blue shell you'd be eating my dust.'

'So who won?'

Alfie came in and sat on the sofa arm, Marcus threw his hands up in victory. I placed the controller calmly down and stood up. I wasn't about to lose my cool in front of the two boys I called brothers; no I was too ladylike for that.

'Bloody blue shell.'

Alfie burst out laughing which in turn set Marcus off. I left the room wanting to give Malfie some alone time. I knew my way around Alfie's flat like the back of my hand so I quickly located Zoe in the kitchen.

'Blue shell again?'

I nodded and hopped up onto the counter, Zoe held out a bag of MAOAM and I took a couple. I could never explain why she was addicted to these sweets. But then again I was also addicted; maybe it was another family thing.

'How did filming go?'

'That was the last video of the day.'

It was nice getting out of our flat; I had purposely left my laptop back there so that I couldn't go on Tumblr or Twitter. A week might have gone by since Dan pretty much set his danasaurs on me but my following knew how to defend me. Yes it might have gotten nasty at some points, and yes there were plenty of casualties on both sides, but my identity was still hidden and that's all that mattered to me.

I had received a private message from Dan two days into the war saying he was sorry for his fans trying to learn my identity. I believed he was sincere which was why I messaged him back with something along the lines of I understand and accept your apology but the fire was too big to put out and we should just let it run its course. We hadn't messaged since that night.

'Hey earth to Alice, hello is anyone home?'

Zoe's voice pulled me out of my own head; she stood in front of me clicking her fingers in front of my face.

'That is very annoying Zoe.'

She simply shot me her trademark innocent smile and acted as if she hadn't done anything.

'What or who were you thinking of?'

I shook my head. No way was I bringing her into this war; she knew Dan and I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable with the crap going down between our two followings. She had enough of her own issues without adding mine on top.

'Nothing much, just working out how to deal with a problem on Tumblr.'

She knew not to ask me any further questions when it came to Tumblr, which was my baby just like YouTube was hers.

'You always find a way out of a tricky situation. Anyway do I have anything scheduled for this weekend?'

I opened the calendar on my tablet and clicked on this weekend, it appeared Zoe was free for once.

'Yeah you're free, what do you want me to pencil in?'

'Since Alfie and Marcus are going to New York for the weekend and well Louise got tickets to watch One Direction in London, I want to go down Friday and come back Monday.'

I rolled my eyes, Zoe loved One Direction, and I never heard the last of it when she got a chance to interview them.

'Do you want me to book your train ticket?'

She nodded.

'Book 'our' tickets you're coming to silly. I know you and Joe need to talk this issue out, which is why we are staying with them.'

I face palmed just as Alfie and Marcus walked into the kitchen muttering to themselves. They stopped talking as soon as they saw the position I was in.

'I guess you bought up the Joe incident Zoe.'

I groaned and nodded my head at Alfie's question.

'Seriously you guys still aren't talking, I've never seen either of you go this long without speaking, texting or Skyping.'

I looked up at Marcus through my fingers, he shot me a sympathetic smile but as much as I hated to admit it he was right. Joe and I needed to make up.

'I've spoken to Caspar guys.'

Zoe shook her head.

'Talking to the flatmate doesn't count.'

I removed my hands from my face.

'Fine we'll talk but I'm not making any promises and I refuse to say sorry first.'

Zoe smiled and attempted to hug me while I was still perched on the counter which made Alfie, Marcus and I chuckle, she really was small.

'Group hug.'

Next thing I knew I was being engulfed from both sides by Alfie and Marcus. So it looked like I was going to London with Zoe to see Louise and my twin.


Zoe had her music on and was being sad in the seat opposite me; she always got sad whenever Alfie left to go somewhere. I knew from experience to give her space, I had scars from all the times I tried to comfort her when she wasn't ready to talk. Not physical scars, well a few scratches here and there but they were slowly fading. Different people react differently when a loved one goes away.

I sat back in my train seat and logged onto the trains Wi-Fi. Zoe had told Joe that I was coming to London with her but not to the concert. Joe seemed happy that I was coming but still made no attempt to reach out to me.

From what I could make out from Zoe's exited squeals earlier, it was defiantly her, Louise, Joe and Caspar going to see One Direction tonight, but I knew Louise had a spare ticket which she wouldn't let go to waste.

I wondered who else from our little YouTube family would be going. So many youtubers lived in London that the list was endless.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now