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It had been two days since I met PJ, I hadn't told Zoe but apparently Marcus had been watching PJ's channel and came across the vlog I was in. So while I was browsing Tumblr I was taken by surprise when Zoe and Alfie burst into my bedroom and leapt on the bed.

'My little sister in her first ever vlog. I'm so proud.'

Zoe engulfed me in a hug while Alfie pouted by my side.

'I thought you promised I could take away your vlogging virginity Alice, I thought we were close.'

'Alfie gross, besides I'm family I should be the one to take her V card or maybe even Joe.'

Zoe threw a pillow at Alfie's head but he caught it with ease and began laughing.

'Zoe, PJ already took her V card.'

OMG they were not talking about me losing my vlogging virginity to PJ, I didn't even think that was a real thing they were referring to. I felt myself begin to blush; I just wanted to hide under my covers and never come out again.

'Shut up guys, no one has taken my virginity or whatever crap you two are talking about. PJ asked and I felt rude saying no, his viewers only got my first name, he doesn't even know my last name.'

Alfie just stared at me.

'PJ doesn't know that you're a Sugg?'

I nodded.

'When we swapped numbers he asked why I only gave him the first initial of my surname. I told him that whenever new people found out who I was related to they would always treat me differently. PJ understood guys.'

Zoe sighed and leaned back against my headboard, Alfie mirrored her on my opposite side.

'So you've been talking since and he still doesn't know A? Dan's his friend remember they are bound to talk if Dan has even watched PJ's vlog.'

'Zoe I think Alice has a little crush on PJ.'

It was my turn to throw my pillow at Alfie; he wasn't expecting it so I hit him square in the face. Zoe burst into laughter and began rolling around the bed.

'Alfie she got you good.'

'Shut up Zoe.'

He clambered over me and somehow managed to scoop Zoe up in his arms, he carried her bridal style towards the bedroom door. Zoe tried to struggle but failed.

'But Alfie I want to keep talking about PJ and Alice. Do you think they'll make cute babies?'

Alfie looked over his shoulder at me, I could tell he knew that I needed some alone time after Zoe mentioning PJ and Dan's friendship.

'Take her away from here Alfie.'

With his free hand he saluted me and carried Zoe out of the room, and like a gentleman he closed the door behind him.

Why did Zoe always find a way to bring Dan back into the mix? Was a part of her still trying to set us up? One day I would grow a pair and stand up to my sister, of course only when I had a solid plan In action.

Dan and I hadn't spoken since the kiss, I was pretty pissed that he wasn't telling his danasaurs to leave me alone, his silence only fuelled them and I didn't think my loyal subjects could last much longer. Why did he have to make things between us complicated?

Phil on the other hand I had spoken to almost every day, he kept trying to apologise that he wasn't there to stop Dan from kissing me. It was sweet but it was starting to get on my nerves. I kept telling Phil that it wasn't his fault, the entire fault lied on Dan's shoulders and he was too coward to even call or text me.

Jack and Finn, but mostly Finn had been my shoulder to virtually cry on. Jack was constantly trying to make me laugh whenever Finn and I were Skyping; he always had great timing that boy. They had invited me back down to London to go penny boarding with them and a few friends to clear my head and meet some people who wouldn't judge who I was. I had accepted and just needed to let Joe and Caspar know that I would be crashing on their sofa for a few days.  

Ever since I had taken on the responsibility of taming the #Jasper tag on Tumblr, I had learnt way too much information about Joe and Caspar. However some of the lesser pornographic fanfics bought a smile to my face. Not all fan girls were crazy.

On my table I heard my phone vibrate, I put my laptop down on my bed and picked up my phone, it was a message from PJ.

PJ: Have you seen the vlog? I uploaded it today

Alice: I did and may I say I really am a slow runner, I didn't notice until your vlog pointed it out

PJ: I swear I can still smell chocolate whenever I use my nose

Alice: I chose a nice flavour you chose a horrid flavour J

PJ: I really enjoy these chats but I want to meet up again if that's not too blunt

I felt my cheeks redden, he wanted to see me again and I wanted to see him again.

Alice: I'm free whenever I have little to no social life outside of the internet

PJ: I can't do the rest of this week and I'm in London next week filming. How about the week after?

OMG I saw the perfect opportunity to take Jack and Finn up on penny boarding and meet PJ again all in one city.

Alice: I'm actually going to London next week. Maybe we can meet up somewhere?

PJ: Sounds perfect I'll text you the details by the end of the week J

I quickly typed out a message to Joe who replied almost instantly, it looked like I had a place to crash for as many days as I wanted. I then texted Jack since Finn had broken his phone telling him that I would be in London next week.

Could I actually be moving on from the lift incident as I was now calling it? I still liked Dan but next week would give me a chance to test the water with both Finn and PJ. Maybe I would even make a decision? But most likely not as I was never good at making decisions on the spot.

Don't expect double updates every Monday guys :) I just had a wave of something and just had to write and upload for all you lovely people xoxo

The next part will be uploaded on Friday as per usual, I should have more job details and how that will influence my upload schedule by the end of the week so watch this space :)

Twitter: @mediagirl94


The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now