Coffee Confessions

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Yes I have another upload today for you beautiful people because I love writing this story and all your positive comments make me super happy xoxo

If you think there's been drama so far just wait for the DRAMA in this part, Let's just say its going to have a major impact on the rest of the fic (DUN, DUN, DUN)

End of A/N


I called Joe and told him I was on my way back and that I was making a coffee run at his and Caspar's favourite coffee shop. He told me that Caspar had gone out but should be back soon so I should just go ahead and get him his regular.

I decided to text Caspar just to double check if he wanted me to get him anything.

Alice: Hey Casp babe I'm doing a coffee run on my way back would you like me to get you anything? Xxx

He replied almost immediately.

Caspar: I'm already getting coffee with my mystery girl A. What does it mean when a girl says 'we need to talk'?

My heart sunk a little, the 'we need to talk' was never a good sign in a relationship, I felt bad for Caspar because he seemed genuinely happy around this girl.

Alice: It normally means something bad but maybe just maybe she has some good news for you but didn't know how to word it.

Caspar: Okay thanks A.

Whoever this bitch was didn't deserve Caspar, he had a good heart which should never be broken. Caspar had never had a serious girlfriend so he dived head first into this relationship. If she did dump him I'd be his shoulder to cry on.

I popped into a few shops on the way back to the flat, even though I hated clothes shopping Zoe had taught me exactly what fit and colours worked well on me so it was more tolerable.

I came to the crossing across the road from the coffee shop and my mouth dropped open at the sight in front of me. I saw Caspar sitting in one of the window seats with the last person I expected to see her in London.

Zoe was holding Caspar's hand across the table and Caspar was stroking her hand. Caspar's mystery girl was mine and Joe's older sister, no wonder he wouldn't tell us her name because he knew that we already knew her well.

'They could just be friends Alice. Maybe nothing's going on, why would Zoe need to have the talk with Caspar? Zoe is with Alfie and they are end game. Yeah their just here together as friends, holding hands in a romantic way.'

I must have looked pretty crazy muttering to myself because I got a few stares and strange looks from people around me. But I had bigger fish to fry, if Zoe and Caspar were just friends then Alfie would know that Zoe was here in London.

I opened my phone and composed an innocent message to Alfie.

Alice: Hey Alf I just tried calling Zoe's flat and I got no answer do you know where she is?

He replied pretty quickly, I had my fingers crossed that he said that he knew she was in London but the text said the complete opposite.

Alfie: She said she needed a break and after you went to London she went to your dads for a week until you returned. How's London treating you?

So Alfie didn't know, Zoe had lied to him, what was this girl playing at? What did she need a break from? YouTube and all the promotion and sponsors or did she need a break from Zalfie? I shook my head; Alfie and Zoe were perfect for each other.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now