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Zoe had been excited about my solo trip to London; she only thought though that I was meeting up with the twins. I hadn't told her about PJ as whenever I bought up his name Zoe always found a way to slip Dan into the conversation we were having. I think she really wanted me to choose Dan so we could live happily ever after.

I had told Joe about my encounter with PJ and the ice cream and like a protective brother should, he said he would beat up any guy who ever even thought about hurting his sister. I really did have the best siblings, if somewhat dysfunctional as we were.

Phil knew I was coming to London; I had let it slip in one of our conversations. He was desperate for me and Dan to sit down and talk things out. Apparently Dan hadn't been acting like his normal self since that night, he hadn't even uploaded any videos.

I told Phil straight that after what happened at Radio 1 that Dan had now made me feel uncomfortable around him. If Dan wanted to get in touch with me there was nothing stopping him, he had my mobile number as well as my Skype name. Screw Danisnotonfire and his bleeding danasaurs, I needed to move on with my life.

'We are arriving at London Euston, please mind the doors and collect all your belongings.'

I snapped out of my train of thought and gathered up my bags, I was travelling light as I only intended to stay for a few days.

I managed to find a taxi pretty quickly which surprised me, maybe things would go my way during this trip.


I had literally just gotten off the train at Euston, I liked London but it was a little too big and busy for me. As I scanned the crowd for Chris who had been in the area for a meeting so was meeting me here since I was crashing at his, I swore I saw a familiar blue haired girl amongst the crowd. Could Alice and I have been on the same train without even knowing?

I quickly made my way outside and watched as Alice got into a taxi, my heart quickened, sure we had been texting each other constantly but just catching a glimpse of her in person made me feel something foreign inside my chest. Cheesy as this was but could this be love?

I pulled out my phone and composed a message to Alice.

PJ: Just saw you get into a taxi outside Euston station we must have been on the same train

It didn't take too long to get a reply.

Alice: It would have been nice to have some young company, business men are plain grumpy

I couldn't help but laugh at her train situation; it looked like we had both had awful train journeys.

PJ: I was sat by an old lady who kept trying to show me pictures of her grandchildren every five minutes

Alice: Haha it will be nice to each other face to face, I've been thinking and I believe I can trust you with my last name...

My eyes widened at her text, she had been so secretive over her last name, constantly saying that she wanted me to get to know her before I made any assumptions related to her siblings. Maybe I was coming close to solving my mystery.


As I sat back in the taxi and sent that last text to PJ I knew that he wouldn't judge me because of my last name. Over the last week he had gotten to know me and vice versa and well I think I trusted him that was a big step for me. Would he accept me? Or would he walk away because I had been lying to him?


Finn's phone was still broken so Alice was still texting me, she had arrived in London and she was meeting up with us tomorrow. Finn was acting like an over hyper child, why did I have to be the mature twin?

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now