Afternoon Tea

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Whatsup Wattpad readers I hope you're enjoying this fic so far :) anyway I just want to ask a little favour, I've heard some rumours that someone might be trying to copy my story on either here or Quotev (same plot but different character names)

I'd appreciate it loads if you ever come across a suspicious fic that you'll mention it to me because I've worked hard on this story and I'd feel betrayed if someone decided to outright copy me...

End of A/N


I had left Jack and Finn's a few minutes ago, I had edited and uploaded my intro/25 facts video and we had all agreed to upload the collabs tomorrow, since that was the day the twins usually uploaded.

I texted Carrie and we agreed to meet at a tea house in Covent Garden, I felt like I could talk to Carrie about almost anything. We hadn't even known each other more than a day, but she already felt like a second sister.

I decided to tweet because I was bored.

@ASugg: About to have afternoon tea with @CarrieHFletcher oh how very British of us #BritishProblems

@ASugg: Uploaded my first ever YouTube video so go check it out at forever.

@ASugg: Missing my boys @FinnHarries @JackHarries thank you for everything xoxo

I switched off my Twitter notifications and made my way down to the tube but not before texting Joe. How people hadn't figured out my Twitter handle by now was utterly mindboggling.

Alice: Good afternoon brother of mine, how are you holding up? I have big news for you.

He replied immediately.

Joe: I've been avoiding Caspar, when are you coming back to the flat? Saw the tweet and I will definitely watch your first video. What's the news?

Alice: I'll be back at the flat later, the big news is that I stood up to Zoe and I'll be moving to London ASAP to start my new life

Joe didn't reply, he was probably thinking over what I had just told him. I checked my phone and saw that I was a tad late to meet Carrie; I cursed and ran towards the platform.


While I waited for Alice I checked her YouTube channel, as I had read her tweet about uploading her first ever video. She had done an intro/25 facts and I swear I could hear Finn and Jack laughing in the background, but the music almost covered it up.

'Are you Carrie Fletcher?'

I turned in my seat and came face to face with a group of girls. There were five of them and they were all giggling. I turned on my smile and stood up. I loved meeting fans.

'Hi girls, so what are your names?'

The tallest one in the group stepped forward, she was obviously the leader.

'I'm Amy and these are Ellie, Sarah, Cameron and Dee.'

The rest of the girls waved nervously when their name was called. They were all so cute. I wasn't so sure about the tall girl though.

'Would you like me to take a photo with each of you and maybe sign something?'

I took photos with each one of them individually before I heard a familiar voice behind me.

'Would you like me to take a couple of group photos?'

I threw my arms around Alice and hugged her tight. The other girls all nodded and handed their cameras to Alice who giggled at their upfrontness. Only the tall girl didn't hand Alice her camera.

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now