Internet Queen

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Zoe, Alfie and I had been watching Disney films all day. They had both left around half an hour ago to go out for a meal, to which I politely refused. I knew Alfie wanted some alone time with Zoe and I didn't always want to be the third wheel. Oh the irony, I was the third Sugg and always the third wheel.

Although I had stated earlier in the day that I was going on a technology ban, by 10pm I was craving the internet. That couldn't be healthy but I caved and turned on my laptop. With all the power I had on the internet I couldn't afford to stay away for long, I didn't need someone opposing my reign.

I opened up all my usual tabs, I knew Joe would have been calling and texting me all day so I decided to pick myself up by reading some of his sorry attempts for an apology.

However I was fairly surprised to say the least when I discovered no missed calls or unread texts. He must have been mad if he wasn't reaching out, but us Suggs were stubborn when we wanted to be and once we started something we refused to be the first to break.

My Twitter notifications had gone through the roof overnight. The last thing I remembered doing on Twitter was replying to Dan about my Tumblr blog. My rise in notifications couldn't be because of that, I needed to find out.

Low and behold ten minutes after I replied to Dan's tweet he had replied back. I assumed all the notifications would be from danasaurs asking why he had replied to me but not to them, the answer was simple. I could form a coherent sentence without using all caps.

I felt quite sad for us fan girls as a whole, we all just wanted our idols attention and when they gave it to someone else we then flipped out at that person.

I opened Dan's tweet ignoring the hate comments attached.

@Danisnotonfire: @ASugg I love your blog, why do people call you the Tumblr queen in your comments?

A smile cracked on my lips, Dan Howell who I had been watching since his first upload actually loved my humble little blog and he had asked me a question to try and engage in a conversation with me.

I didn't care about the fans reactions at this moment in time; I knew I needed to reply.

@ASugg: @Danisnotonfire they call me Tumblr queen because I rule certain fandoms, if you have a problem my loyal followers will make it go away

I sent the tweet and mentally rolled my eyes, I sounded more like a mafia boss who could make someone disappear for the right price instead of a normal person. Then again there was nothing normal about me.

Dan replied immediately.

@Danisnotonfire: @ASugg I think I've heard of you before, what price are we talking?

I laughed at the fact Dan was playing along.

@ASugg: @Danisnotonfire for my second favourite youtuber I'll be reasonable :)

@Danisnotonfire: @ASugg second favourite I should be offended, who's your first?

@ASugg: @Danisnotonfire I'll never tell Howell that would take all the fun out of were my first but not in the way your perverted mind is processing this xxx

Oh good God what was I doing? Zoe was friends with Dan but we had never met, I doubted this Twitter conversation would ever come up between them.

@Danisnotonfire: @ASugg why do you never show your face in any of your profile pics?

I had an answer already prepared for that question.

@ASugg: @Danisnotonfire I'm socially awkward and would not know how to deal with fans and well if my enemies ever saw my know how the movies go

The Third Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 1:The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now