The Boys Talk About You: 1

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{So, I'll be doing a few of these. This weeks will be them playing Marry, Fuck, Kill.}

You were sitting in the kitchen, typing on your phone peacefully. You had been talking to your old best friend and wanted to spend every moment telling her about how great everything is. While you were doing so Calum, Luke, and Michael were playing the game Marry, Fuck, Kill. Mainly because Ashton was gone so they could throw around whose ever name they wanted to.

" 'bout Jennifer Aniston, Hayley Williams, and (y/n)." Michael said smoothly.

"Well, kill Hayley because Ashton would hate one of us if we dated her..." Calum began.

"And he'd be totally cool with one of us dating (y/n)?" Luke chuckled.

"No, but I'd much rather fuck (y/n) rather than Hayley or Jennifer. I mean, c'mon. She's hot as hell." Calum smirked.

"That's why I'd marry I could tap that forever." Michael smiled.

By now you have already looked up from your phone and listened in on their conversation. But this was way too flattering to stop and a part of you wanted to see what would happen if Ashton came in and heard them.

"So, it's settled? Kill Hayley, Fuck Jennifer, and Fuck (y/n) forever and ever." Luke grinned.

"Who's fucking (y/n) forever and ever?" Ashton said after he walked into the room the three idiots were in and listened to their bad idea.

"You of course." Calum lied.

"Yeah, it better be." Ashton spoke while protectively hugging you with two arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.

"I love you." you chuckled.

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