You're Ex's

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"Aye, Jackson, leave the poor gal alone." You say to your coworker who is currently harassing a customer.

"Sorry, ma'am. He's a bit of a lady's man..." You smile as you push him away.

"Oh it's fine. Um, where are the cameras?" She smiles.

"Just this way." You grin and lead her to the isle that the cameras are kept. However, doing so you catch an eye on a familiar stranger.

"C-Calum?" You stutter recognizing your ex's bandmate.

"(Y/n)! Hey! How've you been?" Calum smiles with glee.

"Uh, fairly swell." You's mutter awkwardly. You eyes were down at your feet until you heard foot steps coming towards you and Calum. Your eyes wondered up to see the rest of the band standing before you, except Ashton.

"(Y/n)! We've missed you!" Michael smiles all the while engulfing you in a hug. Luke smiles and gives you a hug as well as kissing your cheek.

"Come back to our flat with us, hang out. Ashton would love to see you." Luke grins. You shake your head hesitantly.

"Pweeeeeze!" Calum gives you the puppy dog eyes.

"My shift is over at 4" you sigh. They all cheer and wait for your job to let you off.

After the hour and a half of constant nagging from the three boys, you walked home with them.

This is a very bad idea...

You thought to yourself. You figured that the boys wanted to see you longer so they lied about Ashton missing you, I mean what else would it be?

"Ashy!" Luke called. Ashton groggily walked out of his room with messed up hair, a partial beard, and clothes that look weeks old.

"Hey, Ashton." You said confused and shocked at his appearance.

"(Y/n)? Y-you're back?" He smiled softly. About a month or so ago you had broken up with Ashton, saying that you didn't want to be the one to stop him from furthering his career.

"Ash, what's happened to you?" you speak concerned.

"I missed you...tons. Please come back, please take me back. You didn't stop my career, you made it...better." Ashton begs. You see his condition, realizing that maybe the break up wasn't the best for him. You nod and give him a hug.

"I'd kiss you, but you smell like you haven't showered in a year." You giggle. He smiles.

"Hold on." About an hour or so later you find a freshly groomed Ashton standing before you.

"Better?" He smiles. You reach out for him and kiss the boy.

"I'll take that as a yes." He jokes once you two have pulled away.

Ashton Irwin PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now