You Discuss Babys

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"Aw" you purr as you see the little kids run around the daycare Lauren, Ashton's sister, works at. Ashton smiles at you and your goggling eyes.

"You know...we could have one of those." Ashton speaks softly as he puts an arm around your waist.

"Oh Ash, that would be simply magnificent!" You cheer. He smiles again.

Your thoughts of your relationship with Ashton go through your mind slowly. The year long marriage has been great...but were either if you two ready for a child?

"But...a-are we ready?" You stutter, voicing your opinions. Ashton sighs knowing that you have a point.

"Do you love me?" He says sweetly. You nod.

"Do I love you?" He replies. You nod once more.

"I think we're ready then. Let's show the world that we love each other that much, let's show them we're happy." You smile up at your husband.

"Okay, let's do it."

Ashton smiles and walks over to Lauren.

"Hey, we're gonna head out. See you later. Love you." Ashton gives his sister a hug. You wave goodbye and then head out to your home with Ashton to get started on getting a baby in your tummy.

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