He Talks About You In An Interview

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"So, Ashton." I man in a t-shirt and skinny jeans, sitting on a stool, and holding a microphone said. Ashton looked towards him and raised his brow as to say "Yeah?".

You were sitting at home in Sydney cuddled up in a blanket waiting to see your boyfriend's band perform live. Currently they were in an interview, talking about the tour they were on and lives back at home. Ashton and you have been in a relationship for about five months now, but he wanted to keep it kind of quiet so that fans would leave you alone. You, being a fan before you two dated as well as now, agreed.

"I hear you have this girl sitting back at home for you? Care to comment?" The interviewer said, trying to pull information out of Ash. Ash shook his head up and down, looking in to his lap. He mouthed "I'm sorry" to the camera, or to you, then looked up with a big smile towards the interviewer.

"Yeah, I do. She's so amazing. She's funny, smart, gorgeous. Her name is (y/n). We've been dating for five months, two weeks, six days, and three hours. BAck at home it's only been one though. I love her so much, that I've been hiding her from the fans to protect her, but I miss her so much that I can't do anymore." Ashton paused, the interviewer had a big grin on his face and all the boys were patting his back.

"(Y/N), he won't stop talking about you on the bus." Michael said suddenly, looking into the camera. That was when Luke and Calum began mocking him to the camera.

"I love (y/n) so much!" Luke mocked.

"She's so pretty and funny and did you know that she can twist her tongue?" Calum began in. YOu chuckled at the two of them before smiling at Ashton and closing you laptop, whispering an "I love you" even if he can't hear it.


Hope you enjoyed this week's chapter. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments below! :)

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