He Cheats: Part 2

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Ashton's POV

I looked up from Hayley to see my actual girlfriend, (y/n). The pain that grew in her eyes left my heart in a hole. I knew how much I betrayed her. But what was I supposed to do after she ran away? Hayley Williams and I were going at it like two bunnies in mating season on severe amounts of testosterone and estrogen. After taking a second to think what exactly I was doing, I pushed Hayley to the floor and ran after (y/n). Not really caring if I was only in my boxers, pretty much as ready as you can get for sex, and covered with the musk of sweat.

Looks from strangers plastered the streets as their eyes couldn't help but land on me. I finally found (y/n) in the crowd of everyone. I ran faster to catch up with her. I grabbed (y/n)'s hand and pulled her to face me. She looked at me with shock then angry in her eyes. Mascara ran down her face as she tried to pull away. The tears falling down her cheeks continuously only made me understand even further what I have done.

"Fuck." I say shaking my head and letting her go. It was all I could say because I knew that I finally lost. She deserves someone better than me, someone better that would never cheat on her.

"W-what?" She stuttered through tears. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry...I-I'm absolutely the most stupid person in the world. Go find someone good for you." I looked at the ground and turned around to walk away. My hand moved through my hair as a sign of defeat.

"Ashton, wait." She spoke softly, and generously. I turned back to face her. Her tears stopped falling down her red cheeks. She had wiped away most of her mascara. And she tried to keep the smile she always has on her face.

"We can try and make this work. I'm willing if you are, that is. I know your broke me in half, but I love you all too much to let you go that easily." (Y/n)'s words were filled with kindness.

"Good, 'cause I love you more...even though I did the stupidest thing I could've possibly done." I frowned at the ground again before looking back up at her gorgeous face. She smiled at me with kindness. I didn't know what came over me, but I just grabbed her and kissed her as passionately as possible.

****************************************** Four Years Later  *************************************************

I had finally gained (y/n)'s full trust again. She was happy and so was I. We discussed the reasons as to why I cheated and worked them out. But I did notice how much more kinky (y/n) has gotten...its actually pretty fun. But you didn't hear that from me.

Today she's coming over to watch Suit Life of Zack and Cody because who doesn't love that show. I layed out rose petals all around the house until a final circle that I then stood in quietly. It was under the archway in our backyard, well, my backyard.

"Ash? Where are you?" (Y/n) called out. "Oh my! What's this?" She giggled shortly after. I heard her foot steps come towardsw the door. Once her gorgeous (your eye color) eyes came into view with mine I couldn't help but to smile. Her eyes became excited as she rose her hands to her mouth with cheer. She walked gracefully down the steps and over to me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." She giggled at me. I smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek before kneelin gon one knee. Her eyes lightened and became glossy. I looked at her smile and the tears of joy as the ring was shown. She didn't even look at it, just me. Fofr the first tim eit felt like she loved me for me and not my money.

"Will you be mine every second of every minuet of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every season of every year?" I asked in goofy lovey dovey voice. (Y/n) giggled and nodded her hug yes while givin gme a big hug.

"I'll be yours, if you be mine." I smiled at her words knowing that even after everything I'ver done she loved me as much as I love her...

{ AN: Thanks @Beauty2015 for the suggestion to have this chapter in Ashton's point of view. If anyone else has suggestions, comments, and what not feel free to say 'em! I appreciate your comments, votes, reads, and follows! Thanks for reading, how you enjoied!! }

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