A Happy Ending

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56 years.

You've been married to Ashton Fletcher Irwin for 56 years.

It was a thrill. Life was beautiful every steps of the way, truly. You had two beautiful kids.

A boy named Xavier James Irwin and a girl names Daisy May Irwin.

You gladly excepted them off to college and then their marriages. As the years flew by and the knowledge of grandchildren coming into place, you couldn't help but smile bigger.

Now sure, you and Ashton had your fights. Once you even threatened to move back to your hometown and take your kids with or without him.

You missed him while he was on tour. And honestly, sometimes you felt like skyping and calling really wasn't enough. But you both managed.

Now you're 70 years old, he's 75 {depends on how old he is to you in comparison irl}. You both are old and pruney. Neither of you look just as good as you used to, but your love. That only grew stronger.

Sadly, a few years after your 54th anniversary Ashton died. He being 77 and you 72. It was your 56th year. You cried, of course. But your tears were soon dried when you remembered about how you would someday be back in his arms.

And by golly, you did only three years later...

{I hope that wasn't too depressing. If it was, sorry. But just think, you died happy!}

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