Spin The Bottle

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There you were, peacefully sitting on your couch scrolling through whatever it is that you scroll through, minding your own business. Your roommate, Ashton, had his band over. So, you invited a few of your friends.

Once your best friends, Camryn, Janie, and Amy came you got off of your phone and answered the door. But you were too late...

"Hello, (y/n)'s friends. I'm Ashton! This is my band, Michael, Calum, and Luke." Ashton said with enthusiasm. You sighed at the boy and motioned for your friends to come over to where you were at.

"Ashton, eh? Isn't that the lad you thought was cute when you took interviews?" Camryn chuckled.

"I remember that! And then you offered him to stay with you instead of the girl who would clean everything for you." Janie spoke with quiet laughter as your cheeks blew red.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, can we just watch the movie?" You squinted your eyes at your friends then pressed play.

"Wait!!" you heard Calum yell, trudging from Ashton's room to the living room where you and your friends were.

"Yes, Cal?" You chuckled.

"There's four of you...and we wanna play spin he bottle...pleeeeaaassssseee!!" Calum begged. You chuckled at how hopeful he was to play this, so you looked at your friends and shrugged.

"I don't see how watching High School Musical would be more fun than that." You sigh, they looked at you and laughed even though HSM was the movie you guys watched every time they came to visit you. Which wasn't often due to the fact that you now live in an entirely different country than them.

Calum smiled and ran into the other room screaming, "They're gonna play!!"

"Awesome!" Michael greeted. You noticed him looking at Janie, who was quite tall and had long blonde hair. It was almost as if he was captivated by her blue eyes.

"Hello..." Calum gawked at your friend Amy who had brown hair and beautiful green eyes. She smiled and shook his hand, blushing fiercely.

Luke looked at Camryn, she continued the stare. You were sure what they thought, but your main focus was you and Ashton.

So what if it was true that you had a crush on him, he was cute and smart and funny and so talented, why wouldn't you want to date him?

"And then there was two." Ashton said from behind, making you jump a little.

"I guess we should probably take a seat." You smiled warmly.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Luke smiled.

"I will." You challenged as Luke gave you the bottle. It spun around in a circle for what felt like a minuet until it softly landed on Calum. You smiled and crawled over to peck him on the lips and then sat back.

Calum spun, landing on Janie. They pecked before Janie landed Luke. Luke's spin ended on Amy and Amy's on Michael. Then Michael spun once more. He landed on..Ashton. Let's just say it was super awkward even if they did one of those silly cheek kisses that the popular girls always do in high school movies...
Ashton took the bottle and spun it around.

"I hope to god it's a girl after that..." Ashton chuckles. Everyone laughs and watches the bottle again. As it comes to a stop everyone anticipates on Ashton jinxing it so he gets another dude to kiss, but instead of having the disappointment of it landing on a girl, everyone perks up to notice it was you.

Ashton looks nervous as he leans in, you've always wanted this day to come but now that it has you didn't know what to think...

His lips match up to yours, only this time it wasn't just a peck but frenching. Let's just say that wasn't the last time you and Ashton kissed...or even the last place. ;)

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