You're Afriad He Doesn't Want To Marry You

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You've been with your boyfriend Ashton for five years now. He proposed at four years but not in the usual way. He just noticed how upset you were that you and him were still just boyfriend and girlfriend so he simply said "let's get married." You said yes, guessing that was the only time you'd ever hear the idea come from his mouth.

But here you are, one year later wondering when this wedding is going to actually happen.

"Ash?" you whine.

"Not now, (y/n)" he spoke grumpily.

"Sorry." You snap back with tons of attitude.

"If you're gonna act that way then we might as well call the damn wedding off." Ashton threatens.

"Well that would make you happy, wouldn't it?" You yell.

"What makes you think I'd want that?" He speaks loudly.

"Five years, we've been together, and one of them we've been engaged. An entire fucking year, Ashton." you scream. His anger softens.

"If you never wanted to get married, you should've just told me." You frown,feeling the tears begin to fall.

"No, I do...I've just been so caught up in the band..." Ashton speaks.

"Well maybe you should stay caught up in the band..." You sigh before grabbing your purse and walking out the front door.

Maybe that's just best...

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