Death: 2

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Ashton's POV

It's been a year. A year since I've seen her beautiful face. And honestly, I tried to find someone else but no one was just like her. No one at all. No one was better. Only worse, much worse.

I'm not sure how I made it through this year. I guess that is what (y/n) would've wanted. Me happy and continuing on. But I still can't help as to think of what it would be like to just end it all and be with her again.

"Ashton. Mate, I know you're still hurting, but please come to this party. Get a little buzzed and have fun." Michael said quietly, trying to cheer me up or at least a way to do so. I nodded, thinking once more that (y/n) would've wanted me out there...

Even though as I stepped on a new step I thought of a new moment with (y/n).

{three years later. so the fourth year anniversary of your death.}

I have managed to come to peace with the death of my one and only, (y/n). But I'm never gonna find someone else. I love her too much and I'd rather not love anyone else if it's not her that I'm living.

She'll always be the only reason.

I'll love her for the rest of my life, just like she loved me for the rest if hers.

No girl in the world could replace her...not even Hayley Williams.

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