I Could Not Ask for More

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Nothing is more peaceful than the Hogwarts castle during the winter holidays. Most students travel home to spend time with family, leaving the halls and dormitories pleasantly peaceful for those few who choose to stay.

It is in that peace that Remus John Lupin finds himself waking in a cloud of bliss, still stunned that his body is being warmed not by blankets, but by the body of another.

His longtime love, Sirius Black, is curled into his side.

Remus stops himself from stretching, afraid of waking Sirius up. Today their roommates James and Peter are returning on the Hogwarts Express, but the train won't arrive until much later. Remus is quite content to lie in bed for the morning, relishing in the long-desired feeling of Sirius's chest on his.

Sirius squirms a little in his sleep, so Remus begins to stroke his hair to calm him. Sirius relaxes into him almost immediately, and Remus chuckles to himself; no matter what Sirius might think, the canine qualities of Padfoot had definitely woven their way into his personality and mannerisms.

With his fingers continuing to caress Sirius's dark curls, Remus gazes out the window across from his bed. A wintry mix of snow and rain patters on the glass. Remus can't help but think of how lucky he is to be here right now, listening to the rain with Sirius by his side. His thoughts drift to just one week prior, on Christmas Eve...

"Pads, I really can't believe you stayed here just for me," Remus says, stretching out on a couch in the common room. "I mean, it's Christmas - don't you want to at least go to James's house?"

Sirius shakes his head. "I'm happy to stay, Moony, you know that! The full moon is tomorrow, and someone has to be here to keep the wolf in check." He sends a wink Remus's way. "Besides, you shouldn't have to spend Christmas alone!" Remus grins that crooked smile that Sirius loves so much. He only makes it when he's truly happy about something, as he's embarrassed by the way it's warped by one of the scars that runs across his face.

Sirius coughs and looks at the fireplace, afraid he'll stare too long at the beautiful boy in front of him.

Also I'm completely in love with you and I'm gonna tell you tonight and I've been having a proper fit about it in my head for a month, he adds mentally.

Remus stands up, shaking Sirius out of his thoughts. "Since we'll be...um...a little wolfish tomorrow," he says with a grin, "let's do presents now! Yours is upstairs. Want me to bring it down?"

Sirius tries to tell Remus to stop, but the words are stuck in his throat. Just before he disappears up the staircase, Sirius squeaks out a breathless "Wait!"

Remus turns around from his position on the first stair. "Yeah?"

Sirius gulps. It's now or never. "Um. Your present is down here already. I want to go first?" He says the statement as a question, his nerves leaking through his confident façade.

Remus stays where he is, confused by Sirius's sudden change in demeanor. "Sure, that's fine. I'll just-"

"Hang on!" Sirius practically cries, freezing Remus in place. "Um. Just. Just stay there. Okay, yeah. Just stay there."

Remus is more confused than ever as he watches Sirius pull out his wand and mutter a spell, aiming at the doorframe above Remus's head. He looks up in surprise to see mistletoe growing out of thin air. By the time he drops his gaze from the plant, Sirius is standing right in front of him.

The boys stare at each other, each unable to say what they'd like in the moment. The long-practiced speech that Sirius had prepared - listened to and edited by none other than James Potter - suddenly vanishes from his mind, and panic rises in him as he tries to think of something to say. The feelings for Sirius that Remus had kept bottled up inside for years are now coursing through his veins, leaving no mental capacity for forming coherent words.

In the blink of an eye, the statue-like boys in the doorway turn into fireworks exploding in the common room. Lips collide with lips, again and again and again; hands run over arms, chests, and backs; fingers tangle hair, pulling ever closer. No words can be said, but none are needed.

Remus is pulled from his reverie by the stirring boy at his side. Sirius blinks sleepily at him, smiling as he stretches up to kiss Remus's cheek before nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Remus giggles, blushing lightly as a smile takes over his face.

After lying together for awhile, with Remus's fingers combing Sirius's hair and Sirius's tracing patterns across Remus's chest, Sirius scoots over and turns Remus's face toward his. Sirius smiles when they locked eyes, and a bashful grin blooms across Remus's face. "That's why I like smiling so much, you know," Sirius says quietly.

Remus doesn't respond, simply raising his eyebrows to indicate that Sirius should continue.

"I smile because it always makes you smile."

Remus can't help blushing again, giving Sirius a sweet kiss before pulling him back into his chest.

This is how James and Peter found them hours later; lying as close together as possible, listening to the rain, each lost in grateful, loving thoughts surrounding the other. In true James fashion, the ever-oblivious Potter ignored the fact that two of his best mates were cuddled in bed together and instead complained at their lack of a greeting in the Great Hall, asking if they had been lazy gits all day. Sirius's reply of "yes" came with a dramatic eye roll and a few choice words for James about his loud interruption, and Remus just grinned and shook his head.

In that moment, he could not ask for more.

A/N Welcome to my new Wolfstar book! I have a bunch of ideas for song-based one-shots for this collection, but if you have any requests, feel free to comment them! I'll be updating with new stories as often as I can. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them :)

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