First Time

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A/N today's one-shot features some matchmaking by the birthday girl - happy birthday, NewWriterEmerges ! I hope you like your Hogwarts party, and that your day is as fabulous as Wolfstar :)

Mornings for Remus usually started out the same every day. He would wake up at an ungodly hour, dress quickly, and slip out of the dorm as quietly as possible to get to the Great Hall before most of the Hogwarts student body. The enchanted ceiling would always show a beautiful sunrise, which he would watch while sipping the tea that the house elves would send up for him. He loved starting his mornings like this; the tranquility energized him, strange as it may seem.

It also gave him the chance to indulge his thoughts in the hidden feelings he had for his best friend without anyone there to disrupt his daydreams.

He liked to create elaborate mental situations during these morning moments, like those Muggle movies his mom used to show him. His favored plot line involved plucking up the courage to tell Sirius how he felt, Sirius reciprocating his feelings, then some type of date that varied depending on his current mood. Then snogging. Lots of that.

Today's dreamy scenario featured him and Sirius having a beachside picnic over the summer. Sirius's grey eyes locked with his as he leaned in close, and —

"Hey, Remus!"

Remus jumped, ready to hastily deny everything he was just thinking about. He visibly relaxed when he saw his friend Ally, a fellow fifth-year. Ally knew all about his feelings for Sirius, though he never actually told her about them. "It was easy to guess," she told him triumphantly when she confronted him about it and he was too shocked to say she was wrong. "You could cut the tension between you two with a knife."

Remus smiled up at her. "Morning, Ally. Why are you up so early?"

She gestured to the bench across from him. "Mind if I sit?"

Without waiting for an answer she plopped onto the bench and smiled innocently at him. Remus groaned internally, as that smile only meant one thing; she was coming to him with yet another plan to get him and Sirius together.

Remus never understood why Ally was so invested in his nonexistent relationship with Sirius ("I ship it!" she told him once. "You what?" "I said I ship — oh, never mind."). Making the two Marauders a couple seemed to be her number one goal, reflected in the amount of ideas she brought to him about sweeping Sirius off his feet. Honestly, she could have written a book about it by now.

"What is it this time?" Remus asked dryly. "Tossing us in the middle of the Forbidden Forest together and leaving us to die until we're officially dating?"

Ally rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't be so dramatic. I just wanted to come down to invite you to the birthday party my friends are throwing me tonight."

Remus looked at her in surprise. "It's your birthday? I had no idea!"

Ally nodded. "Yep — my sweet 16! I've never really had a party to celebrate my birthday before, so you'd better be there for this."

"Well, you know I'm not really a party person, but for you I'll make an exception." Remus smiled at the way her eyes lit up in excitement. "Where and when?"

"9:00, in the Hufflepuff common room! They want it there so we can have easy access to the kitchens." Ally glanced at her watch and stood up quickly. "Crap, I still have that Transfiguration homework to finish before class. Gotta go, Remus - I'll see you tonight!"

She practically sprinted away from Remus, which he found a bit odd. "Happy birthday!" he called out after her. He watched her leave, only becoming more perplexed as he thought about what she had just said. He knew she had finished their Transfiguration homework over the weekend when they went to the library together, and besides, Ally didn't even have Transfiguration today.

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