Birthday Song

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alrighty kids, here's my fairly long authorial message of the day:


2) this is my first adventure into the world of writing smut so i'm so sorry if its awful lol

3) i know there's other songs that might have fit better but i wanted to try to integrate this one - it's got the sweetness of my usual wolfstar headcannons and can segway into the other activities of the one-shot ;)

4) last but not least, happiest of birthdays to the wonderfully fierce, loyal, strong, and loving Sirius Black; with your star guiding me, both in the sky and tattooed on my wrist (see profile picture), i've become someone i am proud to be.

Clubs take on a new atmosphere when you're in a relationship. No longer are the bodies grinding on the floor a hunting ground full of options for a quick night of fun. The flashing lights and bass-driven beat lose their magic, unable to turn the sweaty pumpkins into hard-to-see princes for those sitting on the sidelines.

Everything is more dull, more...depressing. It has no meaning if you're not there with the person you love - the person you need.

Sirius sighed for the umpteenth time that night, sipping his drink and glancing at the clock on the wall. It'll be fine, Remus had said the day before. I hate to change our plans last minute, but I have some things to do first. I'll just meet you there. Just wait for me.

Sirius had been at the club for an hour with no sign of his boyfriend. This was not how he intended to spend his twentieth birthday.

A pair of hands over his eyes and a hard chest against his back interrupted his thoughts.

"Happy birthday, baby," his favorite voice purred in his ear.

Sirius grinned and whirled around. His initial resolve to be pissed at Remus melted as he shamelessly checked him out. A tight black t-shirt outlined each muscle on his torso, skinny jeans making everything - everything - visible to him.

He grabbed Remus's hair and pulled him in for a sloppy kiss. Remus responded eagerly, sliding his hands up Sirius's jacket and pushing his tongue into his mouth. They broke apart after a minute, panting from the intensity of the kiss.

"Sorry it took me so long," Remus said, leaning his forehead on Sirius's. "I got a little tied up with your present."

Sirius smiled softly. "We agreed no presents. You're my present."

Sirius couldn't quite tell because of the lighting, but he could have sworn he saw Remus blush. "Well...yeah, that's part of it," Remus said, looking down at the floor and smiling shyly.

The song in the background faded to an end, and a new beat took over. It sounded like a piano-based beginning, which was unusual for this club. Remus stood up straight and looked toward the DJ, then glanced down at Sirius with a sexy smirk on his face - a rare sight to behold, and one that made Sirius's pants tighten significantly.

Before Sirius could kiss the living daylights out of him for his expression alone, Remus grabbed his hand and hauled him onto the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around Sirius's waist, tugging him until they were pressed against each other.

"Happy birthday, my love," he whispered in Sirius's ear as he began to sway their bodies.

Beautiful, beautiful, no other name
I knew from the moment you came
I've seen in your eyes the dawn of a day
Where nothing will ever be the same

Sirius didn't know the song, but he knew that voice. He had only heard it coming out of the Hogwarts bathroom when Remus thought the other Marauders weren't awake yet. When he confronted Remus about his amazing voice, Remus had vehemently denied it and swore that he would never sing in front of other people.

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