Lights On

172 9 11

A/N This one is a bit longer than most of the others - I hope you like it!

Sirius kicked open the door with a triumphant BANG!

"Well, Moony, what do you think? Not too bad, right?"

He turned to his boyfriend with a grin on his face. Remus walked into the room in silence, turning in slow circles in an effort to take everything in at once.

Light poured into the space, creating an instantly relaxing and welcoming environment. A bathroom appeared to be set right off the main area, but Remus only gave that a brief glance. His attention was preoccupied by the pristine California king bed in the middle of the room.

Remus tried not to blush at the thought of the various uses the bed may have during their stay. He looked away from the bed's fluttering canopy and moved to the open balcony door, gazing down to watch the sparkling sea kiss the sandy shore on the beach below.

Sirius's smile morphed into a nervous grimace as Remus remained quiet. "Really, is it okay? Do you like it? We can always go somewhere else, if you want. I just thought you might like it. But of course I was wrong. I always screw-"

Sirius stopped talking when Remus turned around and gave him a dazzling smile.

"It's absolutely perfect, Siri. Honest. I love it."

Sirius's smile returned as Remus pulled him into a hug. Sirius laid his on Remus's chest, relishing in the feeling of Rey's body against his own.

"How did you even manage this?" Remus asked, his voice rumbling in his chest and vibrating against Sirius's head. "A week-long stay in a muggle hotel room? I wouldn't have expected it from you."

"Oh, it was nothing, really," Sirius said innocently.

In reality, the hotel room was quite the ordeal to book. The first problematic step had been thinking of the idea at all. Sirius knew he had to do something special for his and Remus's one-year anniversary, but he was at a loss for ways to show Remus how much he loved him.

Beyond that, he wanted to make sure the gift involved alone time with Remus. Their relationship had yet to escalate beyond heavy snogging, as Remus always claimed to be paranoid that someone would catch them if they went any further. He wouldn't even take his shirt off while with Sirius. He would just chuckle nervously whenever Sirius got handsy, scolding him with a quiet, "Padfoot, not here. Someone could walk in any minute."

If it was privacy Remus wanted, then it was privacy Sirius would get him.

After countless conversations with James about the subject, Sirius had turned to the brilliant Lily Evans for some help. The idea of a vacation immediately popped into Lily's mind, and Sirius could have kissed her for that genius brain of hers.

Lily then had to make the reservation for the couple, seeing as though Sirius had a little bit of trouble with the idea of calling the business ("How am I supposed to call them? On a what? A telly-phone? How does it work? What do these buttons do? How can they hear me? Can they hear me right now? Really, Lily, can't we just send an owl?").

By the time all was said and done, Sirius had less than 48 hours to convince his ever-logical Moony to leave school in the middle of the night, use their newly-licensed apparition abilities to visit a surprise location, and to stay there for a week. Sirius thought this would be easier said than done, but Remus had agreed with barely any begging on Sirius's part. Sirius had been secretly a little miffed about that - he had a long dramatic speech planned to convince Remus to go with him, and he didn't even get to use it.

Of course, Sirius was going to admit none of this to Remus.

"What should we do now?" Remus asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two.

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