Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop

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A/N Hi, everyone! I know I've been pretty absent for awhile, but I'll have a lot more time for writing in the next few weeks because...I'M GRADUATING!! Enjoy this story inspired by a guy I saw at a local coffee shop who looked just like Sirius :)

"Order for...Sirius?"

Sirius held up his hand without looking up from his laptop. His writing assignment was due in less than an hour, and he was far from done with the analysis he was supposed to be writing. He could hardly take a moment to stretch, much less stand to retrieve the coffee he ordered.

"'Just one more shot, Sirius' my ass,"  he muttered as he edited a very grammatically incorrect sentence he had written last night. "Gets me plastered when he knows I have a paper to write. Stupid, stupid git."

A steaming mug was set on the worn wooden table and a quiet laugh sounded as Sirius angrily stabbed the delete button. "Can you really blame it all on him, though, if you were the one who was drinking?" asked a voice that washed over Sirius like warm honey.

Sirius shut his eyes, resisting the temptation to shoot a flirty comment back. He needed to get this paper done - there was no time for flirting. He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face at the barista's comment. "Yeah, yeah, sure, I guess part of it's on me. But mostly him."

"If you say so. Do you need anything else?"

"A miracle, maybe. Other than that, no."

"Alright. Well, good luck on your paper."

Sirius nodded in acknowledgement, not bothering to look up at the worker as he walked away. It was time to focus, and no one, no matter how attractive their voice was, could distract Sirius from that.

Forty minutes later, Sirius stretched his arms above his head in triumph. His paper, though sub-par at best, was turned in with two minutes to spare. Take that, hangover.

He took a moment to appreciate his victory, then stood and walked to the restroom. When he returned, there was a yellow sticky note covering his trackpad. "Congratulations!" it read. "You did it!"

Sirius looked around the shop, but there were no familiar faces occupying the space. All he could see were strangers with their attention glued to their phones and a lanky barista mixing orders.

He looked back down at the note, smiled to himself, and put the note in his bag. Maybe it was just a random act of kindness, he thought as he left the small shop and waited to cross the street outside. Whatever it was, it certainly lengthened the list of reasons he was starting to love this old coffee shop.


He ended up returning to the shop the following week, deciding to treat himself after earning a C on the paper he so hurriedly composed within the building's exposed-brick walls.

The late hour, paired with the steady drizzle of rain outside, ensured that the shop was almost empty, which was how Sirius liked it best. Without the buzz of others around, he could channel his attention into savoring his latte, appreciating the comforting lived-in look of the building, and relaxing with the soft music that always played through the speakers.

He chose a window seat after ordering, and was surprised to find a mug set gently next to his hand a short while later. "Oh, you didn't have to - "

"It's okay, I don't mind. It's Sirius, right?"

Sirius registered the soft-spoken voice as the one he stopped himself from flirting with the week before. He started to turn his head to thank him - and possible get going with that flirting, as long as the face matched the voice - when his phone began to ring. James's picture popped up on the screen.

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