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well, dear readers, it's been more than a year since i've given you any content. this is a story i wrote a couple years ago that i've edited and posted as a result of me desperately missing college. i won't bore you with a big long life update, so i'll leave your with this: thanks for sticking around, and enjoy 💖

"Come on, Remus, you have to come! It's a party for all of us!"

I sighed for what has to be the hundredth time that day, preparing to disappoint my friends once again.

"Guys, seriously! We've been over this. Isn't it ironic that Emma is throwing this supposedly wild party for a bunch of English majors? Like, we have to have clean social media so that we can actually get jobs - it's hard enough to do already. What if someone takes a picture of me with a drink? What if I black out and I do something stupid? What if the cops come? What if-"

"You can 'what if' until the cows come home," Peter interrupted me, "but you'll never be able to control everything. You're going. That's final."

"I know, but..." I trailed off, not wanting to get to the root of the issue. My friends and I had never really discussed partying. We all lived in different areas around our university, so we hardly ever saw each other outside of classes. I knew they went out on the weekends, but they're also of legal age. I was still under 21, and my life consisted of way too much of rule-following to just let loose and party like they want me to.

"What if you be the DD?" James said, his eyes lighting up at the idea.

"Yes!" Peter exclaimed, his voice rising two octaves in a loud crack. He glared at us for laughing before continuing. "That way you can keep an eye on us like I know you want to, you can avoid drinking, and you can still come with us!"

I had to admit, being the DD for the group seemed like the perfect solution. I do really want to spend time with my best friends, along with everyone else in our major before we leave school for summer break. I looked up at the hopeful faces of my friends.

"Just to put the cherry on top of this perfect plan, I heard Sirius is definitely coming," James said, wiggling his eyebrows as Peter laughed and I blushed. I snuck a look over at Sirius, who was in deep conversation with our professor about an upcoming assignment. He caught me looking and gave me a heart-melting smile with a grey-eyed wink.

James elbowed me, noticing the exchange and the way my face burned a brighter red as I turned away. "Well? You definitely can't back out now."

I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the classroom, sneaking one last glance at Sirius on my way out. "Fine, yeah, whatever," I relented.

"You won't regret this, Remus! We're gonna get smashed, and you'll be there to see it!" Peter yelled as he fled from the building, trying to get to his car before he got a parking ticket.

James grabbed my arm as we laughed at Peter. He dragged me along as he started making run-on plans with incredible speed. "Okay, well, I know you're probably already freaking out about your homework for the weekend so we're going to the library tomorrow morning and getting shit done. Then I think I have lunch with Lily - gotta check on that to make sure - but either way I'm asking her to the party, too. We'll pregame at my apartment at nine and head over after. Hey, don't give me that look - you don't have to drink, just be there before the party. Seriously, Remus, I want you to experience this. You deserve a night to let loose, even if you're not using the free-flowing drinks that will be provided."

I looked at James with a mixture of amusement and fear in my eyes. "What did I just agree to?"

James's eyes sparkled with mischief. "The best weekend of your life."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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