End Up Here

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He's not going to show.

This is the first thought that passes through Remus Lupin's mind as he sits at his favorite table at Hogwarts University's coffee shop.

He glances at his watch, noticing that he's fifteen minutes early to their...what was it? A friendly hangout? A date? An awkward chat after a one night stand to see if they could be something more?

Remus shakes his head as he sips his iced mocha. Something more? Please.

He looks up when the door of the café opens, and nearly chokes on his drink when he sees who walks through the door. Long black hair in a messy bun, the same leather jacket from last night thrown casually over a Hogwarts U t-shirt, skinny jeans tucked into combat boots.

Breathtaking. Beautiful. Sirius Black.

Sirius grins and winks at Remus. "You seemed like the type who would be early," he calls over his shoulder as he makes his way to the counter to place his order. "Didn't want to keep you waiting!"

Remus smiles and fidgets in his chair, suddenly immensely relieved and intensely nervous at the same time. Relieved, because Sirius showed up like he said he would. Nervous, because now Remus actually has to have a conversation with him and not make a fool of himself while doing so.

Sirius sits down with his hot coffee in hand, still smiling at Remus. Remus blushes and looks down at his drink, stirring the straw as silence settles over them.

"I can't believe you came," Remus says quietly, peeking up at Sirius shyly through his eyelashes.

"That's what he said," Sirius shoots back immediately.

The two boys laugh, and the tension is eased. Remus relaxes a bit as Sirius takes a drink.

"But really, of course I came! Did you really think I wouldn't?" Sirius asks.

"I don't know," Remus says, fiddling with his straw again. "I just didn't really think I was your type, you know. Like my friends saw us leave the party together last night and they all said you were about a million miles out of my league."

Sirius stares at the embarrassed boy across from him. How could someone say that about such a gorgeous enigma? "Some friends you have," he mutters.

Remus looks up, surprised at the anger he hears in Sirius's voice. "Well, they're not wrong," he half-laughs. "It's too far-fetched, when you think about it. Me and Sirius Black? There's no way it's actually happening."

"Of course it's really happening, Remus," Sirius says, smiling softly at the nervous boy. "But I feel like I'm the one who should be questioning it, because clearly you are the one who's so far out of my league."

Remus raises his eyebrows.

"I mean, I am the one who went up to you, Remus Lupin, the usual quiet wallflower at James's parties, and attempted to corrupt you enough to get you to come home with me last night," Sirius continues, winking as he leans back in his chair. "That alone should make it clear who's out of who's league, considering I had to practically beg you to leave with me."

Remus just snorts in laughter and shakes his head, blushing as he thinks about their night together. "Honestly, how did we end up here? Me and Sirius Black, having coffee together after a wild Friday night tryst."

Sirius throws his head back and laughs. "That's why I like you - you say shit like 'wild tryst' in a normal conversation. That, and you're bloody gorgeous, and you're a damn good shag."

Remus's cheeks burn and his mind goes blank, unable to comprehend that the Sirius Black is saying these things to him. He'd only been pining over Sirius for months, attending frat party after frat party only to get a glimpse of him working the room like the carefree, sexy troublemaker he was.

"And you're sure that's enough to want to stick around?" Remus asks. "My friends all said I should try to lock you down now - evidently they all think you're crazy for wanting to see me again, and I can't help but think the same. I mean, I'm just..."

Remus continues his insecurity-induced rambling monologue, but Sirius isn't listening. He finds his attention is captured elsewhere.

He watches the way the sunlight from the café windows hits Remus's eyes, creating a magically mesmerizing kaleidoscope of chocolate brown, forest green, and liquid gold.

He looks at the contents of Remus's haphazardly-thrown bag on the empty chair next to him, noticing an ecclectic collection of titles from Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, and Rick Riordan.

He examines Remus's Foo Fighters t-shirt, thinking about his Kurt Cobain one from last night and wondering what other kinds of music he liked.

He takes in Remus, in all of his nervous, insecure splendor, and realizes that there was something about him-maybe everything about him-that made Sirius ready to fall in love.

Sirius starts to grin like a fool, but Remus is still talking and doesn't notice. "Remus?" Sirius attempts to interrupt, but Remus is on a roll. His initial topic of why he's too boring for Sirius has morphed into a tangent about how amazing Sirius is, and, though Sirius enjoys a good complement, he really wants Remus to stop comparing their differences.

Sirius then does the only thing he knows will shut Remus up; he leans across the table, grabs the other boy's t-shirt, and pulls him in for a kiss.

They break apart after a moment, each leaning back in their chairs with smiles on their faces.

"Sorry to interrupt you," Sirius says, lacing his fingers through Remus's, "but I just had to tell you-I'm here to stay."

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