Last Christmas

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A/N I know it's only August but I've been having some massive Christmas Wolfstar feels's the very long product of that :)

"Sirius, I really don't think that's gonna fit in the flat."

Remus stands with his hands on his hips, looking out the front door at his exuberant roommate. At least, he's trying to look at him; a giant evergreen tree blocks most of the apartment complex's hallway.

Remus sees the tree shift, and he has to bite his lip to avoid laughing at Sirius's annoyed mutters about "all the damn tree sap." Suddenly Sirius's head pops through an open space in the branches. He shakes his snow-covered hair out like a dog, grinning despite how flushed his face is from the cold.

"Come on, Rem, where's your sense of adventure? This is our first official Christmas as flatmates!"

"We spent plenty of Christmases together at Hogwarts," Remus points out, "and none of those required us bringing a huge tree into our small living space."

Sirius isn't deterred. He turns back to the tree, grabbing the top of it and trying to shove it through the doorway. "I figured since we moved into the Muggle world, we should do this the Muggle way. You always used to talk about how your mom did Christmas at your house, right?"

Remus rolls his eyes, though his heart warms knowing that Sirius remembers those stories Remus once told him about Hope. "I appreciate the gesture, really, but let's make this easier."

Retrieving his wand from his bedroom, Remus quickly casts Reducio and watches the tree become small enough to hold in the palm of his hand.

"And look, I didn't even have to get sap all over myself," he teases Sirius as he bend to pick up the tree.

Now it's Sirius's turn to roll his eyes. "Well, excuse me for being a good friend and wanting to do things the Muggle way for you!" he says indignantly.

A pang goes through Remus's heart at the word "friend," but his brain immediately shuts down the feeling. We're only friends, he reminds himself. That's it. No matter how much I wish it was different. Just friends.

Remus puts the tree in their small living room, returning it to a normal size with Engorgio. Sirius follows him shortly. He sets down half a dozen bags full of Christmas decorations. He plucks a Santa hat out of one and tosses it at Remus, placing another one on his own head.

"No more magic, Moons - let's decorate this place the proper way!"


A few hours later, the decoration extravaganza in apartment 934G is in full swing. The floor is strewn with leftover boxes and discarded twist ties, creating a trail of trash around the Christmas tree.  Lights are strung haphazardly around the entire flat. Classic Christmas music blasts from the small radio Remus bought Sirius a few years ago.  The pair dances around, singing, giggling, and reminiscing about their Hogwarts days as they work on the tree.

After Sirius drops and breaks an ornament for the fourth time, Remus comments about the mess they're making in their new home. "Sure, it's a chaotic mess," Sirius responds while casting a silent Reparo, "but it's a chaotic, festive, jolly, magical Christmas mess. That makes it the best kind of mess!" Most importantly, he thinks, it's our mess.

They're soon interrupted by a loud knock at their door. "Rem, could you get that?" Sirius calls, standing on his tiptoes to hang an ornament by the top of the tree. 

He hears Remus put down the box he is holding at the other end of the room and walk to the door. It opens, but Sirius can't hear any greeting being said by either Remus or the person at the door. 

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